Principia Entropius Book Two >>The Principia EntroHocusPocus Part Nine of 15 ---------------------------------- Froot Loopian/Dead Head Game: Zoo, zortch, etc. These are the play terms in a word and eye contact game called"Zoom!", which is one of many games gathered by the folks at the New Gamers Foundation and published in their books. Basically, you get five or more people in a circle(the more the merrier) and instruct them that there are five basic plays to this game... "Zoom" is the basic move, and moves the "zoom" from person to nexzt move a zoom, look at the person next to you(head movement is absolutely necesary) and say to him"Zoom"...he/she is now the possessor of the "Zoom", and may turn head to the person next to them and say "zoom", or they can do the second move, which is the "Zortch". When you "zortch" a "zoom", it's basically like blocking a shot in basketball. It stops the "Zoom" and sends it back to the original sender. In this case, the "zortcher" must continue to look at the original "zoomer" and does not turn the head. Now comes the complicated part..."mafigliano's" and a term which I assume "boing" means, the "ignorential lenki"...these are zooms and zortches with head fakes thrown in...for a "mafigliano", you are sending the zoom to the next player, but continue to look at the player who sent the zoom to you...for the "ignorential lenki", you zortch the player who sent you the zoom, but you do so while turning your head to the next player, as if to continue the zoom. Things get going pretty good, once everybody gets the hang of it...but what happens when someone is stuck(the folks on either side of him keep zortching his zooms?)? Our fifth move, the desperation move, comes in...if you're stuck, look at anyone in the circle and say "Hogwash" and that sends the zoom to them. Remember the basic tenets of new games-Have Fun, Play Hard, and Nobody Gets Hurt. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Simply because they change and hide their names, do not give their right age, and by their own admission go about without allowing themselves to be recognized, there is no logic that can deny that they neccesarily must exist. -----Heinrich Neuhaus Confesio Fraternis Roseae Crucis ad eruditos Europae Page 5 ------------------- Ponder the Mystery: Games without Frontiers, War without Fears... -------------------------------------------------- The I am Rubber you Are Glue Buddhist\Eris Doctrine: ___________________________________________________ Excerpted from The Sutra of Fourty-Two Sections: And the blessed One Observed the Ways of Soceity and noticed how much misery came from malignity and foolish offences done only to gratify vanity and self-seeking pride. And the Buddha Said: If a man foolishly does me Wrong, I will return Him the protection of my ungrudging Love; the More evil comes from him, the more good shall go from me; the fragrance of goodness always comes to me.and the Harmful Air of Evil, goes to Him.* A Foolish Man, Learning that the Buddha observed the principle o great love which commends the return of good for evil, came and abused him. The Buddha was silent pitying his folly. When the man had finished his abuse, the Buddha asked him, saying "son, if a man declined to accept a present made to him, to whom would the present belong?" And he Answered: "In that case it would belong to the man that had offered it." "My son," said the Buddha, "Thou hast railed me, but I decline to accept thy abuse, and request thee to keep it thyself. Will it not be a source of misery to thee? AS the echo belongs to the sounds, and the Shadow to the substance, so misery will over-take the evil doer without fail." The abuser made no reply, and Buddha Continued. "A wicked Man who reproaches a virtous one is like one who looks up and spits at heaven; the spittle soils not the heaven, but comes back and defiles his own person." "The Slanderer is like one who flings dust at another when the wind is contrar; the Dust does but to return on him who threw it. The virtuous man cannot be hur and the misery that the other would inflict comes back on himself." "Besides that, if you really piss me off, I will do some of that Kung-fu shit on you, and make you wish You had tried this shit with Jesus or something." ========================================================= *-see Curse of Fergusins Evil Air.