Address List for radical organizers 15 October 1992 This list was put together to help radical activists establish contacts and to be used as a handy reference. It was largely compiled from magazines and other lists. Some of the addresses here are bound to be wrong, especially the older ones. 'Lang:'=languages spoken, (s:ZAG 6/92) is the source code. Time is listed in 24h format. There is further information on the last page. NOTE: this is not an alternative Youth Hostel guide! This list is available by FTP from /poli. Please send corrections and additions to or: ADDRESS LIST c/o Love and Rage PO Box 3 Prince St. Station New York, NY 10012 USA or rad.doc ADDRESS LIST c/o APS Postbus 6452 NL-1005 EL Amsterdam the Netherlands # Argentina # * Ricardo Accurso Grupo Impulso Autogestionario C.C. 984 2000 Rosario Area Correspondent La Casa, a building shared by a number of independent groups, including anarchists. (s:L&R 1/91) * Bibliotheca Popular Jose Ingenieros Juan ramiro de Velasco 958 1414 Buenos Aires Anarchist contact (s:L&R 1/92) * F.L.A. : Brasil 1551 1159 Buenos Aires Argentina Federacion Libertaria, anarchist contact for Argentina. (s:L&R 1/91) * F.O.R.A. Onel. Salvadores 1200 1167 Buenos Aires Federacion Obrera Regional Argentina. Anarchist contact. (s:L&R 1/92) * Fundacion para la Promocion de los Pueblos Indigenas "Oyemboati" C. de la Paz 2452 8oB Buenos Aires 1428 Tel: +541-782-3821 Indigenous rights (s:SAIIC 3/92) * La Protesta Daniel Ferro Casilla de Correo 20 1439 Buenos Aires Anarchist contact (s:L&R 1/92) : # Australia # * Anarchist Media Institute P.O. Box 20 Parkville 3052 Melbourne Tel: +61-03-822-7940 Formed in '86 by The Libertarian Workers for a Self-Managed Society. Press releases and other dealings with mass media. Also the address for the LWSMS and The Anarchist Age. (s:4/92) * Black rose 583a King Str. Newtown 2042 Sydney Tel: +61-02-519-9194 Anarchist Bookshop (s:AA 12/90) * Emma's Bookshop 82A Vulture Str. West End 4101 Brisbane Tel: +61-07-844-4973 : Anarchist Bookshop (s:AA 12/90) * Green Left PO Box 394 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia Tel: +61 02 690 1230 fax: +61 02 690 1381 e-mail: CDP:Peg:Greenleft (Pegasus) Weekly newspaper put out by the Democratic Socialist Party. (Former Trotskyist now Green) (s:2/92) * Jura Books 110 Crystal Str. Petersham 2049 Sydney Tel: +61-02-550-9931 Anarchist Bookshop (s:AA 12/90) * Pegasus Networks/ EarthNet PO Box 424 Byron Bay 2481 : New South Wales Tel: +61-66-856-789 Fax: +61-66-856-962 e-mail: Progressive computer network (s:PN 11/90) * The Squatters Union c/o F.Jacobsen Post office Box 1127 North Fitzroy 3068 Victoria (s:L&R 1/92) # Austria # Wien, Vienna * Buerogemeinschaft Schottengasse Schottengasse 3a/1/4/59 A-1010 Wien Tel: +43-222- -Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Wehrdienstverweigerung und Gewaltfreiheit. Tel: -535-9109 -Wiener Initiative "Oesterreich ohne Heer". Tel: -533-1238 -SCI, Service Civil International-Oesterreicher Zweig. Tel: - : 535-9108. -EG Opposition- Kritisches EG Information und Aktionsbuero. Tel: -535-1106 Office complex with various peace and justice groups, radical non-violent (s:2/91) * Frauen Solidaritaet Weyrgasse 5/1 1030 Wien tel: +43-222-713-3594/Kl. 80 Women Solidarity, quarterly, women and 3rd world. (s:91) * Homosexuelle Initiative Wien HOSI Novaragasse A-1020 Wien (s:2/91) * Infoladen Wien Margaretenguertel 122-124/1/keller A-1050 Wien Tel +43-222-542-307 Fax: +43-222-535-3856 : Lang: Ger, Eng, (Span) Palestine (s:5/92) * Medienzentrum HTU Wiedner Hauptstr. 8 A-1040 Wien Tel: +43-222-5486-1868 Fax: +43-222-5691-54 (s:7/92) * Rosa Lila Villa Linke Wienzeile 102 A-1060 Wien Tel: +43-222-568-150 Lesbian and Gay House, (s:2/91) * TATBLATT Gumpendorferstrasse 157/11 A-1060 Wien Tel +43-222-568-078 M-Th. 12-16h Autonomist Paper (s:Tat 7/92) * Infoladen Linz Kapuzinerstr. 36 : A-4020 Linz Tel: +43-732-279-660 Lang: ger, eng antifa, women, squating, "Rechtshilfegruppe" Contacts to groups: Kurds, homosexual groups (s:c 4/92) * Gruppe Infoladen c/o Potjemkin Ellsabethstr. 11 A-5020 Salzburg (s:Kal 10/91) * Autonomous Frauenzentrum Frauenbeisl Michael Gaismair str. 8 A-6020 Innsbruck Tel: +43-5222-275-845 Autonomous women's center (s:EAC 89) * Platform fuer Frieden und Neutralitaet c/o Carl Hofer Amraserstr. 39/8 A-6020 Innsbruck Distributing brochure about blocade against the tank transport through Austria. 5 DM (s:91) : * Infoladen Graz Schillerstr. 7/19 A-8010 Graz (s:Clash 6/92) # Belgium # Bruxelles, Brussel, Brussels * Alternative Libertaire 2 rue de L'Inquisition B-1040 Bruxelles Tel: +32-2-736-2776 Anarchist monthly in french (s:2/92) * A-Infos Guernica 65 Rue du Midi B-1000 Brussels Anarchist news briefs. Guernica is a bar in the anarchist scene.(s:Kal 10/91) * Anti-Imperialistische Bund Kazernestraat 68 B-1000 Brussels : Tel: +32-2-151-353 (s:EAC 89) * Antwerp BBS BBS: +31-32-3877-0709 (s:8/91) * Correspondance Revolutionaires BP 1310 B-1000 Bruxelles 1 (s:AN 6/91) * CNAPD 34, rue de la Tulipe B-1050 Bruxelles Tel: +32-2-511-3699 fax: +32-2-514-2813 Comite National d'Action pour la Paix et la Developpment. French organization. (s:2/91) * Studiekring Vrij onderzoek Pleinlaan 2 B-1050 Brussel Tel: +32-2-6412328 "Study circle Free Inquiry" at the Flemish University. (s:2/91) : # Brazil # * Anarkia CP 5036 Cep041 Porto Alegre Rs (s:L&R 1/91) * Alternex IBASE Rua Vincente de Souza 29 22 251 Rio de Janiero Tel: +55-21-286-0348 Fax: +55-21-286-0541 E-mail: Progressive computer network (s:PN 11/90) * CAE-9 Cx. postal 14576 CEP 22420 Rio de Janeiro-PJ "Celula Anarquista Estufanti de Julho" Student anarchist group. (s:AA 12/90) : * GAJO Cx. Postal 68003 CEP 21.944 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Grupo Anarquista Jose Oitica. Student anarchist group. (s:AA 12/90) * Utopia Cx. Postal 15001 CEP 20.155 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Anarchist magazine. (s:AA 12/90) # Bulgaria # * M Gantcho Lazarov Damianov Makariopolski No 7 Kazanalak 6100 Translates anarchist texts into Bulgarian and vice versa for the Bulgarian Anarchist Federation (s:91) * Federation of Anarchist Youth : Todor Riznikoff Tr. Kostov No. 4 ET.4 Sofia (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Green Party 39 Dondukov Blvd. Sofia 1594 Tel: +359-2-390-093 (s:10/90) # Canada # * Lone Fighters National Communications Network 455-12st NW Calgary, Alberta T2N IY9 Peigan Native's struggle against dam project (s:L&R 3/92) * ALF News Box 42 10024-82 Ave Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z3 Animal Liberation Front (s:L&R 9/91) * Arm the Spirit : c/o Wild Seed Press PO Box 57584 Jackson Station Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4X3 Fax: 416-527-2419 Autonomist/anti-imperialist Paper of militant resistance (s:7/92) * Community Charge PO Box 57069 Jackson Station Hamilton, ONT L8P 4X9 (s:L&R 4/92) * Kahnawake Nation Office Tel: 514-638-4750 Kanesatake Tel: 514-479-8353 Mohawk group (s:L&R 2/92) * Mohawk Nation Office P.O. Box 1987 Kahnawake Quebec JOL 2BO (s:L&R 2/92) : * Through the Walls 472 Albert St. Kingston, ONT K7L 3W3 Prison Movement (s:L&R 2/92) * CCRP Box 505 Station Desjardins Montreal, Quebec H5B 1B6 Canadian Center on Racism and Prejudice (s:KIO3/92) * Our Generation Suite 444 3981 boulevard St-Lawrence Montreal, Quebec H2W IY5 Tel: (514) 844-4076 fax: (514) 849-1956 Independant, semi-annuall journal dealing with the theory and practice of contemporary anarchism and libertarian socialism. Also address for Black Rose Books, the largest publisher of anarchist books in North America. (s:91) * Autonomous Green Action : PO Box 2163, station D Ottawa, ONT KIP 5W4 (s:L&R 4/92) * Canadian University Press Nat'l Office 126 York St. Suite 408 Ottawa, ONT K1N 515 Tel: 613-562-1791 (s:NLNS 4/92) * Outaouais Outrage PO Box 4051, Station E Ottawa, ONT K1F 5B1 (s:L&R 4/92) * ACT for Disarmament 736 Bathurst St. Toronto, M5S 2R4 Tel: 416-531-6154 Fax: 416-531-5850 email: web:act Publish The Activist bi-monthly, anti-militarist (s:PN 8/92) * Anarchist Black Cross Toronto PO Box 6326, Station A : Toronto, ONT M5W 1P7 (s:L&R 2/92) * Buldozer/Prison News Service P.O. Box 5052 Stn A. Toronto, Ontario M5W 1W4 Bimonthly paper (s:L&R 2/92) * Campaign of Self Discovery Sans Garde 82 Willow Avenue #46 Toronto, Ontario M4E 3K2 Involved in the 500 year campaign (s:L&R 9/91) * Common Frontiers PO Box 2207, Stn P Toronto, ONT M5S 2T2 Coalition of labor, church and community organizations in Canada, Social Democrat agenda. (s:L&R 6/91) * Ecomedia PO Box 915, Station F Toronto, ONT M4Y 2N9 Toronto's Anarchist Bi-weekly. : Anarchist Hotline: 535-5731 "Events Listing for activities" (s:2/92) * Friends on the Lubicon 485 Ridelle Ave. Toronto, ONT M6B 1K6 Tel: 416-783-4694 Supporting the struggle of the Lubicon Native Nation (s:L&R 4/92) * Kick it over PO Box 5811, Stn A Toronto, ONT M5W 1P2 Anarchist paper (s:3/92) * Mujer a Mujer Toronto 606 Shaw st. Toronto, ONT, N16 G3L6 Women's group (s:EM 4/92) * The Rams Horn 125 Highfield Road Toronto, ONT M4L 2V4 : "radical and interesting alalysis of both international economics and trade, focuses on agriculture." paper. (s:L&R 6/91) * WEB Nirv Centre 401 Richmond St. West; suite 104 Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8 Tel: 416-596-0212 and 416-974-9189 e-mail: Progressive computer network. (s:PN 4/92) * Wimmin Prisoner Survival Network Box 770, Station P. Toronto, Ontario M5S 2Z1 (s:L&R 2/92) * Anarchist Black Cross Vancouver PO Box 2881 Vancouver, BC V6B 3X4 Also for OH-TOH-KIN, native resistance paper (s:L&R 2/92) * Endless Struggle : PO Box 6901 Stn K. Vancouver, B.C. V5K 4W7 (s:AN 91) * Radical Colours c/o Theubyssey University of B.C. 241 K, 6138 sub blvd. Vancouver, B.C. (s:A 6/91) * Resistance c/o Friends of Durruti PO Box 2881 Vancouver, BC V6B 3X4 Autonomous/anti-imperialist magazine (s:L&R 4/92) # Chile # * Anarchist Collective of Concepcion International Relations F.A.I. Eduardo Torres 205 Sauces 426 Lomos Colorados Concepcion : F.A.I., Intercity Anarchist Federation (s:L&R 11/91) * Association de Familiares de Prisoneros Politicos Casilla 51300 Correo Central Santiago (s:A 11/91) * Oscar Ortiz San Diego 1766 Santiago Anarchist contact. (s:L&R 1/92) # Colombia # * X. Walter Alonso AA 54839 Medellin Anarchist group, publish monthly bulletin Caminos helped by Solidarite Amerique Latine, Grenoble, France (s:L&R 9/91) # Costa Rica # * Radio for Peace International : Apartado 88 Santa Ana Costa Rico email: Independent shortwave radio station (s:Z 7/92) # Czechoslovakia # Praha, Prague * A-Kontra c/o RAMAD Bubenska 1 17000 Praha 7 Tel/Fax/Modem: +42-2-878-531 Anarchist monthly. Also address for Romano Gendalos, Romani Culture and Information Bulletin (s:A-K 8/92) * Art Forum Valdsteinska 14 11800 Praha 1 Tel: +42-2-513-2551-4 Art Forum Karla IV 1 : 36001 Karlovy Vary Independant bookstore and oppositional documentation center, citizens movement (s:4/92) * C.A.S. P.O. Box 223 1121 Praha 1 Czechoslovak Anarchist Union (s:A-K 6/92) * Deti Zeme PO Box 70 16100 Praha 6 Children of the Earth, Environmental group (s:A-K 5/92) * Information Center for Peace Panska 7 11669 Praha 1 Tel: +42-2- -Independent Peace Association, Tel: -220-333 -John Lennon's Peace Club -Czechoslovakian Pacifist League, tel: -227-454 -Helsinki Citizens Assembly, Tel: -220-181, Fax: -220-948 : -Czech Peace Union -National Section of PAND, International Artists for Peace. (s:2/91) * L.A.S. P.Box 223 11121 Praha 1 Antifascist contact (s:7/92) * PRAK Vaclavske nameski 55 110 00 PRAHA 1 Prague Radical Anarchist Group (s:4/92) * Rainbow Movement Jakubske Nam. 7 60200 Brno Tel: +42-5-25337 or -22556 Fax: +42-5-22428 and Deti Zemi (s:E 7/92) * Deti Zemi : Kovac Matej Gorkebo 2359/4 96001 Zvolen (s:E 7/92) # Denmark # Kobenhavn, Copenhagen * Autonomt info Elmegade 27 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N Tel: +45-31-351-212 Fax: +45-3582-4311 (please mark Autonomt info) M-Fr. 15-18h. EEC-struggle, antifa, anti-repression, city-forming, palestine, prison struggle Infoshop (s: C 11/91) * Cafe Usmalia Ungdomshuset Jagtvej 69 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N. Fax: +45-3582-4311 : Lang: Eng, ger (s:c 4/92) * C-holdet Nansensgade 48-50 DK-1366 Kobenhavn K. Direct action old people's group (s:AN 3/929 * Christiania Radio Det bla Hus Badsmandsstraede 43 DK-1407 Kobenhavn K. (s:E 7/92) * Demosbutikken Klmegade 27 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N. Run by different activist groups. (s:91) * Direkte Aktion Box 303 DK-1502 Kobenhavn V (s:E 7/92) * ECN c/o TV STOP : Stengade 30 DK-2200 Kobenhavn Fax: +45-3139-7373 (s:91) * Norrebro Radio (byens Lyd) Kapelvej 47 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N. (s:E 7/92) * Nyt Forum (Christiana) Badsmandsstraede 43 1407 Kobenhavn H Info cafe (s:E 7/92) * radical Very Inportant magazine for German speaking Autonomous/anti- imperialist movements 3-4x yearly, ALWAYS use a double envelope, inner with 'ZK' outer with this address: Blalys Griffenfeldsgade 29st. DK-2200 N Kobenhavn (s:3/92) * Radio Rosa : Knabrostraede 3 DK-1210 Kobenhavn K. (s:E 7/92) * Den Rode Bande c/o Samovaren Blagardsgade 24 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N (s:E 7/92) * Scan-Link nej Tak-gruppen c/o Gimle Thorshavnsgade 21 DK-2300 Kobenhavn S. Group which works against the Scanlink project.(s:91) * Sokkelund Radio Radhusstrade 3 DK-1210 Kobenhavn K. (s:E 7/92) * Vesterbro Radio Halmtorvet 13 DK-1700 Kobenhavn V.(s:91) * ZAPATA : Blagardsgade 12 DK-2200 Kobenhavn N. Autonomous info-cafe run by different activist groups. Publish Autonomi Newsleter(s:AN 3/92) * Ekomedia c/o Fredscentret Guldsmedgade 25 DK-8000 Arhus C Giro: 9797912 (s:4/92) # Equador # * Intercom Casilla 1703596 Quito Tel: +593-2-505-074 email: Progressive computer network. (s:PN 4/92) # Estonia # * Eesti Roheline Likanine : Toomas Frey Tarto State University Labaratory of Ecosystems Ulikooli 18 Tarto 202400 Tel: +7-1434-34381,31971 Fax: +7-1434-35440 Telex: 173243 taunsu Estonia Green Party (s:10/90) # Finland # * Finland CW Luokkasota PO Box 53 00241 Helsinki Class War group (s:3/92) * Group 65 c/o Novilisilita 0801 Helsinki anarchist (s:EAC 89) * Nytkis-Naisjarjestojen yhteistyo-kvinno-organisationer i : samerbete c/o Saarinimenk 6 00530 Helsinki tel: +358-0-77511 Feminist (s:EAC 89) * Peace Union of Finland Rauhaneseme Veturitori 00520 Helsinki Tel: +358-0-141-314 (s:EAC89) * S.A.I./I.A.A. Box 7 00801 Helsinki Anarchist Federation (s:Kal 10/91) # France # * L'EN Dehors-Librairie associative et libertaire 6 Rue Saint Fancois F-3300 Bordeaux Tel: +33-569-21778 Radical center for meetings, debates and expositions. : Provides local population with info about nonauthoritarian movements, feminism, third world issues. (s:EAC 89) * Femmes Libres 61 rue Pauly F-33130 Begles International network with bulletin, independant of all political organizations, but accept anarcho-syndicalism as common strategy. Publication of Libertarian Free Women. (s:91) * SCALP c/o cpci bp 2571 F-35036 Rennes Section Contra Attaque a La Peur, Section Carrement Anti Le Pen, Antifascist-autonomist group (s:91) * Solidarite Amerique Latine c/o CDESI 102 rue D'Alembert F-3800 Grenoble Encourages such projects as the Medellin anarchists by sending literature and selling T-shirts. (s:L&R 91) : * A-Infos c/o Humeurs Noires BP 79 F-59370 Mons en Baroeul "We produre information about France in english and exchange informations with Germany, Greece, Belgium, Spain, ...and you if you will" International Anarchist newspaper in French. See also A-Infos Bruxelles, Den Haag, Lisbon, Athens, Moers Germany. Published by FA. (s:B 9/91) * Patxa 23 bis Rue des Tonneliers F-64100 Bayonne Tel: +33-595-9064 Radical Bookshop-documentation center."Anti-militarism, feminism, anti-repression, squats etc." (s:EAC 89) * Wolnitza 42 Rue Bordeau F-69001 Lyon Tel: +33-7839-0907 Fax: +33-7200-2278 (s:ECN 6/91) : * Archives Recherches et cultures Lesbiennes B.P. n' 662 F-75531 Paris cedex 11 Tel: +33-1-4805-2589 Lives, theories, politics, cultures: international documentation by for and about lesbians (s:91) * CNT AIT 33 rue des Vignoles F-5020 Paris Tel: +33-1-4372-0954 Anarcho syndicalist union (s:D 5/92) * Collectif Anti-Celebration Imperialista (Centre-social de Paris) c/o TITO 65 Rue de Flandre F-75019 Paris (s:A 11/91) * Federation Anarchiste Francaise Publico 145 rue Amelot F-75011 Paris : Tel: +33-1-4805-3408 Fax: +33-1-4929-9859 Publico is a bookstore. The FA publishes the weekly paper Le Monde Libertaire. Also address for Radio Libertaire and Commission Femmes. (s:Kal 10/91) * Flander's Office Supply Rue de Laffaette Paris near Rue de Foubeurg, St. Dennis sells "Corrector Bille" an ink desolver for 28 franks a bottle! (s:3/92) * Mordicus BP 11 F-75622 Paris Cedex 13 Tel: +33-43-370-398 Autonomist paper ? (s:1/91) * Quilombo c/o Octobre BP 781 F-75124 Paris Cedex 03 : Lang: Fren, Eng, Ital Autonomist paper (s:A 11/91) # Georgia # * Gruzja 182 David Agmashenebeli Ave. Tbilisi 380012 Tel: +7-8832-348-068 Fax: +7-8832-351-674 Telex: 212289 green su Green Party of Georgia (s:10/90) # Germany # Infoladen=Infoshop Frauen=Women Antifa=Antifascist # East Germany (incl.West Berlin) # BERLIN * A-Laden : Rathenower Str. 22 D-1000 Berlin 21 Tel: +49-30-394-6167 Fax: +49-30-394-8447 M. & T. 17-20 h. Cafe Anarchist Infoshop (s:5/92) * ACT UP Berlin c/o Mann-O-Meter Motzstrasse 5 D-1000 Berlin 30 (s:2/91) * Anti-Atom-Buero c/o Oekodorf Kurfuerstenstr. 14 D-1000 Berlin 30 Tel: +49-30-261-6252 Anti-Nuke (s:2/92) * Anti-Quariat Oranianstr. 45 D-1000 Berlin 61 Tel: +49-30-615-7428 : Anarchist book publishers (s:2/92) * Antirassistische Initiative Yorckstr. 59 D-1000 Berlin 59 Tel: +49-30-785-7281 Fax: +49-30-786-9984 or 852-0815 Publish ZAG, antifascist magazine, and run antifascist info telephone (s:7/92) * Infoladen Bambule Schoenhauser Allee 20 D-O-1058 Berlin M-Fr. 15-19h. Antifa, anarchism, Ireland (s:F 9/92) * Bandito Rosso Lottumstr. 10a Prenzlauer Berg D-O-1054 Berlin Infocafe (s:4\92) : * Baobab Infoladen Eine Welt Winsstr. 53 D-O-1055 Berlin Tel: +49-30-426-9451 Former 'third world store' now 'One World Info-shop' (s:6/92) * Cafe Subversiv Brunnenstr. 6/7 D-O-1055 Berlin (s:91) * Daneben Rigaer Str. 84 Friedrichshain D-O-1035 Berlin Infoladen M-Sa. 14-19 h. (s:6/92) * Edition ID-Archiv Schliemannstr. 23 D-O-1058 Berlin Tel: +49-30-448-3671 x40 or +49-271-385-495 (machine) Fax: +49-30-448-1035 (mark for ID) : Publishers of many radical left books from the autonomist spectrum (s:9/92) * FFBIZ Dankelmannstr. 15/47 D-1000 Berlin 19 Tel: +49-30-321-2137 "Women's Research Education Information Center" and archive (s:Tag 91) Women's Archive * Friedenszentrum Martin Niemoeller Haus e.V. Pacelliallee 61 D-1000 Berlin 33 Tel: +49-30-832-5497 Mo-Fr 5-7pm Peace Center (s:91) * Haus Der Demokratie Friedrichstr. 165 D-O-1080 Berlin Unabhaengige Frauen Verband (Independent Women's Association) : +49-30-229-1685 +49-30-229-1753 Vereinigte Linke (United Left) +49-30-229-2917 (s:6/92) * IDES Crellestr. 22 D-1000 Berlin 62 Tel: +49-30-781-4018 Information Service El-Salvador, Anti-imperialist newpaper (s:91) * Infoladen Kastanienallee 85/86 O-1055 Berlin (s:C 3/92) * Initiativen gegen die Gen-Technik/Gen-ethisches Netzwerk Winterfeldstr. 3 D-1000 Berlin 30 Tel: +49-30-215-3991 or +49-30-215-3492 or +49-30-215-3528 Against gene-technology : (s:GS 91) * Lesben Stich Postfach 360549 D-1000 Berlin 36 "The lesbian magazine for the errect gang." (s:91) * M-99 Manteuffelstr. 99 D-1000 Berlin 36 Tel: +49-30-612-7491 Info and copy store (s:91) * Mehringhof Gneisenausstrasse 2 D-1000 Berlin 61 A radical activist center for all of Berlin with bookstore (Schwarze Risse), cafe/bar (Ex), and offices and mailboxes for many groups including: Antifa Jugendinfo, Anti-faschistisches Infoblatt, Durchblick (prison paper), Interim (weekly berlin Infos), Lateinamerika Nachrichten, and legal aid: Tel +49-30- 692-2222 (s:91) : * Nachladen Waldemarstrr. 36 D-1000 Berlin 36 Tel: +49-30-654-747 Infoladen M-F. 15-19h. T. women-lesbian day Lang: ger, eng, span, french, dutch, ital women, prison, gene-tech, city forming (s:C11/91) * O-21 Oranienstr. 21 D-1000 Berlin 36 Bookstore (s:91) * Omega 65 Sparrstr. 21 Wedding D-1000 Berlin 65 Tel: +49-30-453-7023 Fax: +49-30-453-8678 email: M, Tu, Th, Fr: 16-20h Lang: Eng, Ger : city forming, computer network, city burough paper. Infoladen and SpinnenNetz Berlin. Responsible for distributing mail to Berlin Infoshops, just write 'to distribute' (s:6/92) * Papiertiger Cuvrystr. 25 Kreuzberg D-1000 Berlin 36 Tel: +49-30-618-3051 M-Fr 14:30-18h, Fr.women-lesbian day Lang: ger, eng, span, greek Contacts: archive, women, men, gay, Euskadi, jail, antifa, spain, Eastern Europe, gene/bio, refugees. Library, Archive and Infoshop. Responsible for distributing mail to Berlin Infoshops, just write 'to distribute' (s: 3/92) * PDS Kleine Alexander-Str. 28 O-1020 Berlin Tel: +49-30-822-1945 Party of Democratic Socialists, reformed communist party(s:GS 91) : * Schokofabrik Mariannenstr. 6 HH D-1000 Berlin 36 Women's Center (s:8/91) * Schwarze Risse Gneisenausstrasse 2a D-1000 Berlin 61 Tel: +49-30-692-8779 Bookstore at Mehringhof. Wide selection of books, periodicals etc. covering the left political spectrum. Mo.-Fri. 10-18:30h. Sa. 10-14h. (s:6/92) * Schwarzrotbuch Verlag Berlin c/o Ralf Landmesser Rathenowerstr. 23 D-1000 Berlin 21 Tel: +49-30-394-7894 Fax: +49-30-394-8441 Publishes Anarchistische Taschenkalender (s:Kal 10/91) * die tageszeitung (taz) Kochstrasse 18 : D-1000 Berlin 61 Tel:+49-30-25902-0 fax: +49-30-251-8095 or +49-30-251-6062 telex:182791 compd. (USA & South Africa buro): Tel: +49-30-25902-255 Washington D.C. buro 1711 Massachusetts Ave.,NW Apt. 320 Washington D.C. Tel:(202) 265-7240 fax: (202) 265-7259 Alternative daily (s:6/92) * Telegraph c/o Umeltbibliothek Tel: +49-30-448-3687 x.25 Fax: +49-30-448-1035 (mark Tel) email: Opossitional monthly, one of the most important east German magazines (s:8/91) * Thomas-Weissbecker Haus : Willhelmstr. 9 D-1000 Berlin 61 Tel: +49-30-2528539 Palaestina-Buero M-F 17-20h. information and coffee (s:91) * Umweltbibliothek Schliemannstr. 22 Prenzlauer Berg D-O-1058 Berlin Tel: +49-30-448-5374 Fax: +49-30-448-1035 (mark UWB) Library, Info, Archive (GDR Opposition), Cafe. Library: T-Th. 18-22 h.(s:91) * Wildcat Sisina Postfach 360527 D-1000 Berlin 36 Tel: +49-30-612-1848 Marxist autonomist magazine (s:8/92) # East Germany (cont.) # : * Infoladen c/o Lindenstr. 53 D-O-1560 Potsdam Tel/Fax: +49-331-23813 (street address Hebbelstr. 24) (s:F 9/92) * Villa Eckestein Berliner Str. 90 Strausberg Tel: +49-3341-22489 Squat and infoshop (s:C 3/92) * AJZ Karl Marx Platz D-O-2200 Greifswald Autonomous youth center (s:C 3/92) * Umweltbibliothek An den Bleichen 2 D-O-2300 Stralsund Environmental library (s:Kas 6/92) : * JAZ August Bebel Str. 91-92 D-O-2500 Rostock Tel: +49-381-454-310 Alternative youth center, with info office. (s:8/92) * Infoladen UJZ 'Knast' Bahnhofstr. 34 D-O-3010 Magdeburg (s:C 3/92) * IJGD "Zora" Johanneskloster 9 D-O-3600 Halberstadt Infoshop (s:Kal 91) * Infoladen Kellnerstr. 18a D-O-4020 Halle/.S Tel: +49-345-25537 Lang: ger, eng antifa (s:c 4/92) : * Vereinigte Linke Grosse Klausstr. 11 D-O-4020 Halle Tel: +49-345-25537 Office of the United Left (s:4/92) * Antifa USJV/DLJ Rosa Luxemburgstr. 53 D-O-4450 Grafenhainchen (s:91) * Antifa Jugend Junitzerstr. 4 D-O-4500 Dessau (s:C 3/92) * AJZ Vollbrachstr. 1 D-O-5061 Erfurt Tel: +49-361-714-497 Autonomous Youth Center (s:2/92) * Infoladen Lasallestr. 57 D-O-5020 Erfurt (s:7/92) : * Infoladen Sabotnik Mainzerhof Mainzerhofplatz 6 D-O-5020 Erfurt Tel: +49-361-27865 M, W, Su 17-21h. (s:F 9/92) * F.R.E.I. PF 375 D-O Erfurt Fax/Tel: +49-361-603-793 Free radio (s:2/92) * Infoladen Weimar Gerber Str.1 D-O-5300 Weimar Distributor for infoshops in Thueringen (s:9/92) * Initiative "Jugend fuer Jugend" Schlossberg 1 D-O-6800 Saalfeld Autonomist squat (s:9/92) : * VL Leipzig Bernhard Goehringingerstr. 152 D-O-7030 Leipzig Tel: +49-341-391-1149 United Left (s:C 3/92) * Infocafe Ernestinenstr. 9 D-O-7031 Leipzig (s:C 3/92) * Friedensbibliothek Blumenstr. 9 O-7570 Forst Peace Library (s:C 3/92) * Umweltzentrum Sprembergerstr. 4 D-O-7700 Hoyerswerde (s:Kal 91) * Demokratie Jetzt Friedrichstr. 57 D-O-8010 Dresden : Tel: +49-351-434-286 +49-351-434-179 Fax: +49-351-432-7586 (s:10/91) Die Gruenen Tel: +49-351-579-496 (s:90) * Infoladen Schlagloch Klamenzer Str. 17 HH D-O-8060 Dresden (s:Kal C 3/92) * "Wolfspelz" Friedrichstr. 57 D-O-8019 Dresden Tel: +49-351-434-286 Anarchist working group (s:C 3/92) * Antifa-Chemnitz c/o Inka Brueckner Arnotstr. 10 D-O-9002 Chemnitz Also mailing address for Anarchistisch Jugend Zentrum. (s:3/92) : * Informationszentrum Welt Laden Henriettenstr. 5 D-O-9006 Chemnitz Tel: ++49-371-32983 Fax: ++49-371-30000 Tricont and solidarity trade Information center (s:6/92) * Buntes Zentrum Zwickau Innere Plauensche Str.16 D-O-9540 Zwickau Tel: +49-375-294-918 Various alternative, ecology and solidarity groups (s:5/92) * Antifada Kollektiv Infobuero Weststr.57a D-O-9900 Plauen Anti-fascist(s:8/92) # West Germany # 2000 : * Arbeiter Kampf (AK) Schulterblatt 58 2000 Hamburg 36 Tel: +49-40-435-320 fax: +49-40-439-4265 Good monthly paper of the Kommunistischen Bund. (s:91) * BUKO Nernstweg 32-34 D-2000 Hamburg 50 Tel: +49-40-341-444 National Congress of Developmental Political Action Groups (s:GS 91) * Chaos Computer Club Schwenke Str. 85 D-2000 Hamburg Tel: +49-40-490-3757 Fax: +49-40-491-7689 email: Chaos-Team DS-Red@Chaos-HH.zer (s:91) * E.coli-bri Nernstweg 32-34 : D-2000 Hamburg 50 Material against the politics of population control and genetechnology (s:2/92) * Frauenbuchladen Bismarckstr. 98 D-2000 Hamburg 20 Women's bookstore, Home of the group "Anarchafeministinnen Hamburg" (s:F 9/92) * GNN-Verlag Guentherstrasse 6a D-2000 Hamburg 76 Address for Angehoerigen Info, bi-weekly paper, presents and discusses the situation of revolutionary prisoners in Germany. (s:91) * Libertaeres Zentrum Lagerstr. 27 D-2000 Hamburg 6 Tel: +49-40-430-1396 Anarchist Center (s:kal 10/91) : * Nautilus-Buchladen Bahrenfelder str. 68 D-2000 Hamburg Tel: +49-40-380-9537 Anarchist Bookstore (s:Kal 10/91) * Cafe & Buch Marktstr.? D-2000 Hamburg 36 (s:F 9/92) * Schwarzmarkt KL Schaeferkamp 46 D-2000 Hamburg 36 Tel: +49-40-446-095 Fax: +49-40-410-8122 M-Fr 12-18h. Th.women-lesbian day, Sa. 12-15 Lang: ger, eng, norw, dan, dutch, (swed) newspaper archive, political prisoners, legal aid, Ireland, 129a, antifa, ekom., infoshop (s:F 9/92) * Husumer Speicher Hafenstr. 17 D-2250 Husum : Autonomist Social Center (s:F 9/92) * Autonome Infogruppe Schweffelstr. 6 D-2300 kiel Fax: +49-431-577-056 (s:F 9/92) * ZAPATA Jungfernsteig 17 D-2300 Kiel Also for KAVIA/R (Kieler Anarchistisches Volk in den Autonomen/RevolutionaerInnen) (s:F 9/92) * Rote-Hilfe Postfach 6444 D-2300 Kiel 14 Legal Aid, and prisoners group National Office (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Omega Bahnhofstr. 44 D-2350 Neumuenster Tel:+49-4321-45927 Fax:+49-4321-46542 : Lang: ger, eng Contacts: antifa, squaters, men against sexism, Land Unter (magazine), refugees, Gerhard Boegelein (s:F 9/92) * ThePrax c/o T-stuba PB 506 Im Stadtpark D-2370 Rendsburg Tel:+49-4331-29556 or +49-4331-25887 Contacts: antifa, archive, women+men group, kurdish group. (s:F 9/92) * Frauen-Wohnprojekt Norderstr. 70 D-2390 Flensburg Tel: +49-461-140-356 Autonomist women's project with Women Antifa (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Flensburg Hafermarkt 6 D-2390 Flensburg : Tel: +49-461-12991 Contacts: squating, antifa, 500 year campaign, Tibet Also Autonomist social center with concerts (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen ASSATA c/o Alternative Auf der Wallhalbinsel 27 D-2400 Luebeck Tel: +49-451-705-434 M,T,Fr. 16-20h. (s:F 9/92) * AGIPA-Press Eichenberger St. 9 D-2800 Bremen Tel: +49-421-354-029 Fax: +49-421-353-918 Amerika Gegen-informationpresse about Mumia-Abu-Jamal and other U.S. political prisoners. (s:7/92) * Anti-Rassismus-Buero Bremen Sielwall 38 D-2800 Bremen Tel: +49-421-706-444 : and +49-421-78744 Fax: +49-421-706-445 Anti-racist office(s:Kas3/92) * Infoladen Umschlagplatz St Paulistr. 10-12 D-2800 Bremen 1 Tel: +49-421-705-682 (s:F 9/92) Infoladen. Kasiber, "city paper for Politics, Daily life, Revolution", is also at this address under the name of 'VzVuN' BBA, a civil initiative center is also at this address Tel: +49-421-700-144 M,W,Fr 16-19, Sa 11-14h * Hagazussa Friesenstrasse 12 D-2800 Bremen Tel:+49-421-74140 Lesbian and women's bookshop (s:EAC 89) * Missing Link Westerstr. 118 D-2800 Bremen : Tel: +49-421-504-348 Fax: +49-421-504-316 International Bookstore (s:7/92) * Robin Wood Erlenstr. 34 D-2800 Bremen 1 Tel: +49-421-500-405 or +49-421-500-406 Fax: +49-421-500-421 Environmental action group (s:GS 91) * Info-Cafe im Alhambra Hermannstr. 83 D-2900 Oldenburg Tel: +49-441-14402 (17-18h.) (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Wilhelmshaven Rheinstr. 104 D-2940 Wilhelmshaven Tel: +49-4465-8297 (s:3/92) * Infoladen Emden : Friedrich-Naumann Str. 16 D-2970 Emden (s:C 3/92) # 3000 # * Infoladen Kornstr. Kornstr. 28-30 D-3000 Hannover 1 Tel:+49-511-715-032 Lang: ger, eng, dutch (s:c 4/92) * ComLink Moorkamp 46 D-3000 Hannover 1 Tel: +49-511-350-3081 E-mail: Progressive computer network. (s:4/92) * Tuerkei Informationsbuero Postfach 91 08 43 D-3000 Hannover 91 Tel: +49-511-318-654 fax: +49-511-318-652 Radical Turkey Information office (s:91) : * Info-cafe & Frauen cafe c/o Der Laden Von Wintheim-Str. 1 D-3200 hildesheim Tel: +49-5121-82313 (s:Kal 91) * Antifajugend c/o Asta-TU Katharienstr. 1 D-3300 Braunschweig Tel: +49-531-391-4557 M-Fr. 18-21h. ask for antifa youth (s:C 3/92) * Infoladen c/o Erwerbslosverein Cyriakring 55 D-3300 Braunschweig Tel: +49-331-83828 (s:GS 91) * Ohne Uns c/o Detlev Beutner Hamburger str. 284 : D-3300 Braunschweig Tel: +49-531-33-49-28 Paper for the total war resistor (s:1/92) * Gegen den Strom Verlag die Werkstatt Lotzestr. 24a D-3400 Goettingen Tel: +49-551-770-0557 Fax: +49-551-770-3412 A political appointment callender with address list. (s:GS 9/91) * Infoladen Goettingen c/o Buchladen Rotestrasse 10 D-3400 Goettingen Tel:+49-551-74552 or 74557? or 42128? M-th. 15-19h, Fr. women-lesbian day 16-19h. Lang: ger, eng, fren, span, ital. Contacts: Palestine, antifa, women/lesbian center, migration (s:91) : * Kurzwellen Pressedienst Weenderstr. 30 D-3400 Goettingen 1 Tel: +49-551-55121 Fax: +49-551-44871 Distribute magazines, Radio von Unten, Radio Magazine (monthly in english), and Kurzwelle (s:Tel 4/92) * Antifa Notruf Kassel Tel: +49-561-17919 (s:F 9/92) * Umweltzentrum Elffbuchenstr. 18 D-3500 Kassel Tel: +49-561-775-307 Environmental center Contacts: anti-repression (s:F 9/92) * Bazille Sickingenstr. 10 D-3500 Kassel Tel: +49-561-18529 Fax: +49-561-103-276 (mark Bazille) : Autonomist center and infoshop (s:F 9/92) * BUNTE HILFE CAFE' "AM GRUN" Am Grun (s:A 6/91) D-3550 Marburg Legal Aid for activists # 4000 # * Infocafe Nix Da Kiefernstr. 15 D-4000 Duesseldorf 1 (s:91) * Direkt Aktion Fischerstr 94 D-4100 Duisburg 1 Anarcho-syndacalist bi-monthly paper of the FAU/IAA (Free Workers' Union/ International Workers' Association) (s:Kal 10/91) * I-AFD c/o Libertaeres Zentrum Essenberger Str. 100 : D-4130 Moers Tel: +49-2841-503-942 Initiative fuer eine Anarchistisches Foederation Deutschlands, part of the A-Infos network. (s:3/92) * Infoladen Projektladen Querbeet Hubertusstr. 35 D-4150 Krefeld Tel:+49-2151-773-622 (s:3/92) * Infoladen Bazille c/o Druchluft Am Forderturm 27 D-4200 Oberhausen 1 * Projekt Archiv c/o Druckluft (see above) Repression, women, antifa, restructuring (s:F 9/92) * Attatroll Buchladen Hernerstr. 16 D-4350 Recklinghausen : Tel: +49-2361-17002 M-F 9-18 h., Sa. 9-14 h. Progressive and radical bookstore (s:7/91) * Infoladen Bankrott c/o FS Politik Scharnhorstr. 103 D-4400 Muenster Tel: +49-251-833-303 Women/Lesbian, men, internationalism, anti-repression, total draft resistors (s:F 9/92) * Schwarze Witwe Achtermannstr 10-12 D-4400 Muenster Tel: +49-251-511-195 Women's group (s:Tag 91) * Umweltzentrum Scharnhorststr. 57 D-4400 Muenster Tel: +49-251-521-112, afternoons Lang: ger, eng, : anti-nuke, environmental groups. Infoshop and distribution (s:3/92) * Versteck Leerer Str. 5 D-4400 Muenster Su-Fr 18-1h., W women-day Autonomist Infocafe (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Z Alte Muenze 12 D-4500 Osnabrueck Tel: +49-541-29606 W. 18-20h., Th. 17-20h. (s:F 9/92) * Laden Oesterholzstr. 88 D-4600 Dortmund 1 Tel:+49-231-837-481 M. 17-19, T. 18-21, W. 17-21 women-day, Th. 17-23, F. 16-20 lang: ger, eng, fren, it antifa, racism/migration/refugees, prison struggle/regrouping, women's struggle, internationalism (s:F 9/92) : * Internationalismus-Archiv Geschichtswerkstatt Am Oelpfad 27 D-4600 Dortmund-Hoerde Tel:+49-231-412-242 W 16-21h, Fr 10-14h Women's Internationalism Archive (s:8/92) * Infobuero Dueppelstr. 35 D-4630 Bochum Tel: +49-234-300-110 (s:Kal 91) * Suedostasian-Informationsstelle Josephinenstr. 71 D-4630 Bochum 1 Tel: +49-234-502-748 Fax: +49-234-502-790 email: GEOD:SEAINFO Southeast Asia Info center (s:5/92) * Initiativzentrum Weberstr. 79 : D-4650 Gelsenkirchen Tel: +49-209-201-171 Infoshop (s:GS 91) * Young Korean Movement of Europe Park, Hee-Won Im Pratort 29 D-4690 Hernel Tel: +49-2323-12153 (s:AML 8/92) * Infoladen Schnick Schnak Borchener Str. 12 Postfach 1334 D-4790 Paderborn (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen "Anschlag" Heeperstr. 132 D-4800 Bielefeld Tel:+49-521-171-253 T. 16-20, W. 15-17, Th. 15-19 women-lesbian day, Fr. 17:30- 19:30 Lang: ger, dutsch, eng, (span) Contacts: antifa, women antifa, internationalism (s:F 9/92) : * Felix-Fechenbach-Kooperative Heidensche Str.3 D-4937 Lage Tel: +49-5232-64540 Fax: +49-5232-68114 Large progressive and radical mail order catalog (s:3/92) # 5000 # Koeln, Cologne * Eigenverlag des Vereins Beitraege zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis e.V. Herwartstr. 22 D-5000 Koeln 1 Tel: +49-221-526-422 Journal, essays on feminist theory and praxis, three times yearly(s:91) * Infoladen Koeln Luedolf-Camphauesen Str. 36 D-5000 Koeln : Tel: +49-221-522-907 Fax: +49-221-518-034 (mark infoladen) M.& Fr. 18-22h. Lang: ger, eng, span Contacts: radio FMLN, BRD-Cuba friends, antifa (s:F 9/92) * Kurdistan-Komittee in der BRD Hansaring 66 D-5000 Koeln 1 Tel: +49-221-125-264? Fax: +49-221-134-898? Modem: -125-264? (s:3/92) * Tedkad Committee Teichstr. 16/c. D-5000 Koeln 30 Tel: +49-221-531-278 Fax: +49-231-531-700 Support of the revolutionary struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan (s:Clash 2/92) * Transparent Maybachstr. 96 : D-5000 Koeln Tel: +49-221-390-006 Fax: +49-221-390-521 Photos, Text, reporting (s:5/92) * Infoladen Bonn Wolfstr. 10 hh D-5300 Bonn 1 Tel: +49-228-659-513 Th-Fr. 16-19h. Lang: ger, eng, span Contacts: antifa, internationalism, political prisoners (s:F 9/92) * Netzwerk Friedenskooperative Roemerstrasse 88 D-5300 Bonn 1 Tel: +49-228-692-904 National coordination of mainstream peace groups (s:GS 91) * Oscar-Romero-Haus Heerstrasse 205 D-5300 Bonn 1 : Tel:+49-228-658-613 Publish the monthly ila (Informationsstelle Lateinamerika), also for Infostelle El Salvador and Guatemala. (s:91) * Le Sabot Paulstr. 3 D-5300 Bonn 1 Tel/Fax: +49-228-695-193 radical bookstore (s:F 9/92) * Rom e.V. Bobstr. 6-8 D-5000 Koeln Tel: +49-221-242-536 For understanding between Rom (Rommani and Sinti) and others. Published a book about the persecution of the Romani in Yugoslavia in WWII (s:4/92) * Tibet Initiative Postfach 2531 D-5300 Bonn 1 (s:91) * Die Gruenen (s:90) : Bundesgeschaeftsstelle Ehrental 2-3 D-5303 Bornheim-Roisdorf Tel: +49-2222-70-08-0 (s:92) * Military Counseling Network Bopparderstrasse 25 D-5448 Kastellaun Tel: +49-6762-2652 A civilian nonprofit agengy with information on rights, AWOL/UA problems, discharges, grievences, court-martial, non- judicial punishment, etc. for U.S. military personel stationed in Europe.(s:91) * Infoladen Wuppertal Brunnenstr. 41 D-5600 Wuppertal Tel: +49-202-311-790 T-Fr.11:30-18h, Sa. 12-14h. (s:C 3/92) * Senioren-Schutz-Bundes "Graue Panther" Rathenaustrasse 2 D-5600 Wuppertal 2 : Tel: +49-202-665-543 Grey Panthers(s:91) * Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte Kriegdienstgegner DFG-VK Schwanenstrasse 16 D-5620 Velbert 1 Tel: +49-2051-4217 Fax: +49-2051-4210 German Peace Society-United War Service Resistors. Mainstream war resistance organization in Germany (s:92) # 6000 # * ANTIFA NOTRUF +49-69-703-337 Antifascist hotline. (s:10/92) * AWI 1992 c/o "3. Welt" Haus Westerbachstr. 40 D-6000 Frankfurt a.M. 90 Tel: +49-69-789-4846 Contact for anti G7 campaign (s:6/92) : * Dezentral Sandweg 131 D-6000 Frankfurt a.M. Tel: +49-69-49-09-203 Tu. 20h.- Anarchistic-Libertarian project, cafe, meeting place, anarchist booklender. (s:2/92) * Informationsdienst: Zentrum fuer Alternative Medien Hamburger Allee 45 Postfach 900343 D-6000 Frankfurt 90 Tel: +49-69-704-352 +49-69-709-935 (machine) Fax: +49-69-777-341 (mark for ID) They are concerned with equal access to the media for underprivileged groups and providing material and journalistic support (ex. to censored authors) (s:10/92) * JUZ Bockenheim Varrentrappstr. 38 D-6000 Frankfurt 70 : Tel: +49-69-777-574 Autonomist youth center with cafe, bar, concerts, and library. (s:10/92) * Medico International Obermainanlage 7 D-6000 Frankfurt 1 Tel: +49-69-499-0042 Medical relief in Tricont, anti-interventionist (s:GS 91) * Pro Familia Cronstettenstr. D-6000 Frankfurt 1 Tel: +49-69-550-901 Family planning and reproductive rights (s:2/92) * VVN-Bund der Anti-faschisten Bockenheimer Landstr. 79 D-6000 Frankfurt Biggest and oldest antifa organization, mainstream. (s:GS 91) * Zentrum Hinter der Schoenen Aussicht 11 : D-6000 Frankfurt Tel: +49-69-296-335, Anarchist Autonomist Center Archiv fuer Zeitgeschichten (Tues 18-20h) (s:ECN 1/92) * Infoladen Offenbach Frankfurterstr. 63 hh D-6050 Offenbach Tel: +49-69-821-522 Open M, W, Fr. Lang: ger,eng resistance info, extra antifa group and archive. (s:5/92) * Infoladen Basta Frankfurter Str. 58 Tel: +49-6154-295-639 D-6100 Darmstadt T. 20-22h., W. 18-20, Su 15-17 (s:F 9/92) * Frauen Literatur Vertrieb c/o Anne Frey Erich-Ollenhauer Str. 231 D-6200 Wiesbaden : Tel: +49-611-410-780 Women's publishing and distributing house. (s:12/91) * Infoladen Wiesbaden Werderstr. 8 D-6200 Wiesbaden Tel: +49-611-440-664 wed. 15-20h., Also for a USA working group with info from A.I.M. (s:2/92) * Verein zur Foerderung Politischer Kultur und Kommunikation Langgasse 24 HH D-6200 Wiesbaden Fax: +49-611-379-181 Published an international overview of anti war actions, "Anti Kriegs info". (s:3/91) * Infoladen Giessen Suedenlage 20 HH D-6300 Giessen Tel: +49-641-74423 T 16-19h, Th. 18-21h, Fr. afternoon (s:F 9/92) : * Kleine Freiheit Bismarkstr. 9 D-6300 Giessen Tel: +49-641-71850 Left Bookstore (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Hanau Metzgerstr. 6-8 D-6450 Hanau (s:swing 9/92) * KomistA c/o Sterneck Eichenheege 12b D-6457 Maintal Tel: +49-6181-22-500 Multi-media distributor, common basis is left, radical, feminist and countercultural contents. See EAC (s:EAC 89) * Clock Work 129a Leibnizstr. 24 D-6500 Mainz Monthly Info on Paragraph 129a (support of a terrorist organization) and other political processes. 6000 circ. : (s:7/92) * Spinnennetz Hintere Bleiche 20 D-6500 Mainz Modem: +49-6131-238-256 Computer networking. Crosspoint for European Counter Network (ECN) (s:6/92) * Infobuero Am Landwehrplatz 2 D-6600 Saarbruecken (s:AI 7/92) * Infoladen Brauerstr. 39 D-6600 Saarbrucken Tel: +49-681-374-364 (s:C 3/92) * Dokugruppe c/o Schwarzwurzel Jakob-Binderstr. 10 D-6700 Ludwigshafen Put together a documentation of the fascist attacks in : Mannheim (s:RGI 9/92) * Contraste Gaissbergstrasse 97 Postfach 10 45 20 D-6900 Heidelberg Tel:+49-6221-13402 (editing) fax: +49-6221-164-489 Monthly for self-governing/ autonomous businesses (s:91) * Graswurzel Revolution Schillerstrasse 28 D-6900 Heidelberg Tel: +49-6221-183-907 Fax: +49-6221-163-118 Monthly paper of non-violent action groups, pacifist revolutionary and anarchist. Contact for the federation of non-violent action groups (s:6/92) * Infoladen Moskito im AZ Alte Bergheimerstr. 7a D-6900 Heidelberg Tel: +49-6221-181-200 : Fax: +49-6221-164-489 (mark for Infoladen) M. women-lesbian day, T-Fr. 20-22h Prison, Palestine, antifa, Autonomous Women/Lesbian Center, Euskadi, men and gays, (s:3/92) # 7000 # * Anti-Kriegs Buero Gutenbergerstr. 48 D-7000 Stuttgart 1 Tel: +49-711-624-701 Anti-war office (s:1/91) * Bi Laden Neckarstr. 73 D-7000 Stuttgart 1 (s:SW 9/92) * Infoladen Stuttgart Moerickestr. 69 hh D-7000 Stuttgart/ Heslach Tel: +49-711-298-995 (s:Kas 6/92) : * Schwarzer Faden Postfach 1159 D-7043 Grafenau 1 Tel: +49-7033-44273 Fax: +49-7033-45264 Anarchist discussion, actualization of liberation theory, culture. Quarterly. Also for Trotzdem publishers (s:3/92) * Pressehuette c/o MALA Forststr. 3 D-7075 Mutlangen Infoladen (s:90) * Infobuero Neckarhalde 6 D-7400 Tuebingen Information and Peace Office (s:SW 9/92) * Info cafe Schellingstr.6 D-7400 Tuebingen Tel: +49-7071-76909 : Th. 15-19h. (s:Kas 6/92) * Kultur des Friedens Lustnauer Tor 4 D-7400 Tuebingen Tel:+49-7071-52200 fax: +49-7071-24905 International association of individuals working for peace and understanding. Famous writers, artists, scientists, musicians. (s:2/91) * Aktionszentrum Arme Welt Lange Gasse 2 D-7400 Tuebingen Tel: +49-7071-23062 '92 Campaign, 500 Year Plundering and EC Commen Market, Peru Group (s:91) * Verein fuer Friedenspaedagogik Tuebingen Bachgasse 22 D-7400 Tuebingen Tel: +49-7071-21312 Peace Pedagogy. (s:2/91) : * Zelle Postfach 1952 D-7410 Reutlingen For Antifa RT. (s:GW 9/92) * Infoladen c/o Buchhandlung des Rabe Zunftstr. 8 D-7500 Karlsruhe 41 Tel:+49-721-408-378 daily: 15-18h. (s:c 4/92) * Archiv fuer Soziale Bewegungen in Baden Wilhelmstr. 15 D-7800 Freiburg Tel: +49-761-33362 Fax: +49-761-381-414 Archive for social movements (s:3/92) * Ca ira Verlag Joachim Bruhn Postfach 273 D-7800 Freiburg 1 Tel: +49-761-100-031 : Marxist Publishers (s:91) * InformationsZentrum 3. Welt Kronenstr.16 HH Postfach 5328 7800 Freiburg Tel: +49-761-74003 Fax: +49-761-709-866 (M,F 10-16) Third world solidarity info. Publish Blaetter des Iz3w (s:91) * Infoladen Subito Klarastr. 73 D-7800 Freiburg Tel: +49-761-278-322 N-Th. 17-20h. Lang: ger, eng, span antifa, pupils, punx (s:F 9/92) * Radio Dreyeckland Adlerstr. 12 D-7800 Freiburg Tel: +49-761-30407 Free radio. (s:F 9/92) : * Infocafe im Falkenkeller Schillerstr. 1 D-7900 Ulm Tel: +49-731-64177 Every 1. and 3. Sunday, after 11 (s:Kal 91) # 8000 # Muenchen, Munich * Anti-Atom Buero Holzstr. 2 D-8000 Muenchen Fax: +49-89-260-3513 (s:2/91) * Gruppe 2 Oettlmairstr. 8 D-8000 Muenchen 83 Tel: +49-89-680-5122 or +49-89-651-9359 Film and video documentation (s:GS 91) * Humanistische Union : Braeuhaus 2 D-8000 Muenchen 2 (s:GS 91) * Infoladen-Archiv Gruppe 2 Sommerstrasse 24 D-8000 Muenchen Tel: +49-89-651-8448 +49-89-651-9359 Archive (s:Kal 91) * Infoladen Muenchen Breisacherstr. 12 D-8000 Muenchen 80 Tel: +49-89-4489638 Fax: +49-89-4802006 Lang: It, Ger, eng Contacts: antifa, women, G-7 (s:3/92) * Women's Coordination against G-7 c/o Werkhaus Leonardstr. 19 D-8000 Muenchen 80 Tel: +49-49-168-116 (s:3/92) : * Kurdistan Informationszentrum Pariser Str. 7 D-8000 Muenchen 80 Tel: +49-89-448-410 (s:SN 3/91) * Infogruppe Oberaustr. 2 D-8200 Rosenheim (s:Kal 91) * BIWAK Buero Engelburgergasse. 12 D-8400 Regensburg Tel: +49-941-55555 Infoshop (s:F 9/92) * Infobuero Freies Wackerland Altenschwand 91 D-8465 Bodenwoehr Tel: +49-9434-3368 (s:Kal 91) * Infoladen : c/o Buecherkiste D-8500 Nuernberg 1 (s:Kas 6/92) * KOMM Koenigstr. 93 D-8500 Nuernberg Autonomist center (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Wuerzburg c/o AKW Frankfurterstr. 87 D-8700 Wuerzburg Open: Th. 20-22h. (s:F 9/92) * Infoladen Augsburg Konrad-Adenauer-Allee 21 D-8900 Augsburg Tel: +49-821-312-415 Fax: +49-821-312-416 Th. 18:30-21h. (s:F 9/92) # Great Britain # * Bristol Housing Action Movement : 160 Gloucester Rd. Bristol B57 (s:Clash 6/92) * C.W.F. International Secretary PO Box 772 Bristol Avon BS99 1EG Class War Federation. Anti-authoritarian, working class, revolutionary group. Publish Class War, 'Britain's most unruly tabloid'. Don't mention Class War on the envelope.(s:2/92) * Greenleaf Bookshop 82 Colston St. Bristol Avon Radical bookstore (s:92) * LibED Phoenix House 170 Wells Rd. Bristol B54 2AG A magazine for the liberation of learning (s:91) : * Grapevine radical and Community Bookshop Unit 6 Dales Brewery Gwydir Street Cambridge CB1 2LJ Tel: +44-223-61808 "Cooperative working; political, social, spiritual, and sexual awareness; information services; antiracist, antisexist, non- homophobic literature." (s:91) * Counter Information Pigeonhole CI c/o 11 Forth Street Edinburgh, EH1 Quarterly free info paper. Libertarien, Antagonist and Community based. 13,000 circ. 4p. (s:7/92) * Direct Action International Secretary Edinbourgh DAM-IWA PO Box 516 SWDO Edinbourgh EH10 5JH Anarcho-syndicalist union (s:56a 1/92) : * Anarchist Workers Group Box B20 Huddersfield HX1 Publish Socialism from Below (s:B 9/91) * Here and Now P.O. Box 109 Leeds LSS 3AA (s:B 9/91) * Lamp Bookshop 91 Bradshawgate Leigh WN7 4ND Tel: +44-942-606-667 "Community bookshop stocking radical and alternative books, providing educational advice for adults and organizing visits by writers in local schools." (s:EAC 89) * News From Nowhere Bookshop 112 Bold Street Liverpool LI 4HY Tel: +44-51-708-7270 : "Specialises in Lesbian and gay issues, racism, imperialism and Ireland." (s:91) * 1-2-1 121 Railton Rd. Brixton, London SE24 Tel: +44-71-274-6655 W, Th, Sa, 13-17 h. F 14-17 h., Sun 15-17 h. Cafe Fr. 8-11, Cheap Food Sun. 13-17 h. Infoshop, also for Lambeth Housing Action (s:B 9/91) * 56A 56 Crampton st. Pullens Estate Kennington, London M,Th 15-19 h. Infoshop (s:B 9/91) * A-Distribution 84b Whitechapel High Street : London E1 7QX Tel: +44-81-558-7732 Anarchist Trade Distribution (s:7/91) * Active Distribution BM Active London WC1N 3XX Anarchist etc. distribution. (s:B 9/91) * Advisory service for squaters 2 St. Pauls Rd. Islington London N1 2QN Tel: +44-71-359-8814 "Gives legal, practical and general advice on squatting. Produce and write 'squatters handbook'." Good contact for squating actions. They're also interested in other issues.(s:56a 1/92) * Anarchist Black Cross London BM Hurricane London WC1N 3XX In contact with ABCs in Liverpool, Preston, Bolton, Leeds, : Sheffield, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Belfast. (s:56a 1/92) * Anarchist Communist Federation c/o 84b Whitechapel High St. London E1 7QX (s:B 9/91) * Anarchist Workers Group BM Box 6548 London WC1 3XX (s:56a 1/92) * Anti-Fascist Action BM Box 1734 London WC1N 3XX (s:Search 4/92) * Attack International BM 6577 London WC1N 3XX Radical publishers (s:1/92) * The Book Place/ Peckham Publishing project 13 Peckham High St. London SE1S SEB Tel: +44- -701-1757 : Since 1977, antiracist bookshop. "Publishing by and for local people" (s:EAC 89) * Campaign Against Fascism in Europe (CAFE) PO Box 273 Forest Gate London E7 (s:AML 2/92) * Federation of Radical Booksellers c/o Housmans 5 Caledonian Road London N1 9DX "...aims to promote the distribution of a wide range of non- sexist, non-racist literature committed to radical social change." Publish The Radical Bookseller * Freedom Bookshop 84b White Chapel High St. London E1 7AX and Freedom an anarchist fortnightly (s:B 9/91) * GreenNet 23 Bevenden Street : London N1 6BH Tel: +44-71-608-3040 Fax: +44-71-253-0801 e-mail: Progressive computer network. (s:PN 4/92) * Ha Ha The Nevill Arms Nevill Road Stoke Newington London WI6 (s:Clash 6/92) * Housmans Bookshop 5 Caledonian Rd. London N1 9DX Tel: +44- -837-4473 Since 1951. Big bookshop, originally pacifist, but with wide range of material, publish the Housemans Peace Diary. Also home to the Gay Liberation Front Information Service. (s:EAC 89) * London Greenpeace 5 Caledonian Rd. : London N1 9DX Tel: +44-71-837-7557 Radical anarchistic non-violent environmentalists. (s:B 9/91) * London Lesbian and Gay Centre 69 Cowcross Street. London EC1M 6BP Tel: +44-71-490-7153 Out-rage group, publishes Queer Reality. (s:9/91) * News From Everywhere Box 14 136 Kingsland High Street London E8 (s:B 9/91) * Organization for Lesbian and Gay Action Rm. 3, 38 Mount Pleasant London WC1X OAP Tel: +44- -833-3860 "Organization for Lesbian and Gay Action, has three major campaigns to counteract the effects of section 28 and fight for lesbian and gay rights and equality: AIDS/HIV, Lesbian : custody, anti violence." Also for Act-Up (s:EAC 89) * Poll Tax Prisiner Group c/o Brixton Law Center 506 Brixton Rd London WCIX Tel: +44-71-738-7586 Formed 10/90 to support those arrested in anti poll-tax demos, most notably 3/31 and 10/20/90, also for Trafalgar Square Defendants' Campaign (TSDC) (s:56a 1/92) * Searchlight 37B New Cavendish Street London, WIM 8JR Tel: +44-71-284-4040 Fax: +44-71-284-4410 International Anti-fascist monthly. (s:Search 4/92) * Shocking Pink c/o 121 Railton Rd. London SE24 Feminist youth magazine (s:56a 91) : * Solidarity c/o 123 Lathom Rd. London E62EA A journal of Libertarian Socialism (s:92) * Southwark Homeless Information Project 612 Old Kent Road London SE 15 (s:Clash 6/92) * Statewatch PO Box 1516 London N16 8EW Tel: +44-81-802-1882 Fax: +44-81-880-1727 email: GEO2:statewatch-off (s:AML 3/92) * Troops Out PO Box 353 London, NW5 4NH Tel: +44-71-609-1743 Paper produced by a collective drawn from branches of the Troops Out Movement in London : * War Resistors International 55 Dawes St. London SE17 1EL Tel: +44 71 703 7189 fax: +44 71 708 2545 Email: gn:warresisters (s:91) * Wildcat BM Cat London WC1N 3XX Marxist autonomist magazine (s:56a 1/92) * Worker's Scud Box 15 138 Kingsland High St. London E "No patriot can shoot us down" (s:CI 9/91) * C.W.F. National Secretary PO Box 39 SW PDO : Manchester, M15 Class War Federation. Don't mention Class War on the envelope. Danger mouth and adertising tel: +44-61-226-1293 Class War Hotline: +44-737-778-525. Same address for the National Secretary of DAM-IWA, anarcho-syndicalist union. (s:B 9/91) * Manchester 500 year of Resistance c/o Box 13 1 Newton St. Manchester, M1 1HW (s:91) * Manchester Black Cross Box 8 1 Newton St. Piccadilly Manchester MI I8W (s:L&R 3/92) * Subversion Dept. 10 1 Newton St. Piccadilly Manchester M1 1HW (s:B 9/91) : * Incite c/o Enfield Student Union Middlesex Polytechnic Queensway Middlesex EN3 4SF radical students' magazine (s:NLNS 2/92) * Anarchist Distribution Service P.O. Box 446 Sheffield S1 1NY Tel: +44-742-610-627 Also Sheffield Anarchists, Squaters Support Group, Pirate Press, Class Struggle Anarchist Network and Taking Liberties, newsletter of the Northern Anarchist Black Cross (s:B 9/91) * AK distribution 3 Balmoral place Stirling Scotland FK8 2RD Tel: +44-31-667-1507 Distribute many english books, pampflets amd magazines to Europe. And AK Press (s:B 9/91) : # Greece # * A-Infos c/o P.O. Box 11251 GR-54110 Thessaloniki Anarchist news briefs (s:5/92) * Alternative Gallery Archive c/o VGR Initiative Postbox 20037 GR-11810 Athens, Hellas Tel: 346-2952 Archive of Alternative/Libertarian culture and social ecology. (s:ID 91) * Anarchist Coil P.O. Box 30658 GR-10033 Athens "The Anarchist Coils's aim is to contribute to and co-ordinate with those groups in the anarchist movement who seek social intervention in specific social sectors that experience domination and exploitation. Bi-monthly newspaper too." (s:AA : 12/90) * ANARCHIST FOR THE SOCIAL-CLASS STRUGGLE T.O. 31229 - T.K. 10035 Athens (s:A 6/91) * Antiwar-Antinationalist campaign of Greece Valtetsiou 35 GR-10681 Athens Fax: +30-1-364-0390 (s:Peace News 6/92) * The Breaker Amfithea 17564 Autonomous paper (s:EAC 89) * Diethnis Bibliothiki Delfon Str. 2 Athens Anarchist Library (s:EAC 89) * Vasilis Karapilis 8 Aristidou GR-10559 Athens : Tel: +30-1-322-4770 Anarchist Lawyer, Anarchist Black Cross and A-Infos contact. (s:Kal 10/91) * Librarie Internationaliste Kallidromiou 40 GR-10680 Athens Exarchia Tel: +30-1-361-7512 Situationalist bookshop and documentation center. "Aims to present all radical movements either 'artistic' or 'political', mainly from the last two centuries. Especially interested in 'counterinformation' bulletins from European groups." (s:EAC 89) * "ORA NIHIL" T.O. 31421 Athena 47 (s:A 6/91) * Panajiotis Kalamares Panajiotis Pindoy 63 GR-11141 Athens Tel: +30-1-228-7180 : "Political theory and practice. Social struggles. Anarchist." (s:EAC 89) * Hong Kong * Asian Students Association 511 nathan Road 1/F Kowloon Tel: 852-388-0515 (s:NLNS 6/92) * Black Bird/People Theater Collective c/o Guo PO Box 25244 Harbour Building Tel: 852-2-984-1890 (s:Kal 10/91) * Democracy Wall POB 31340 Causeway Bay Hong Kong (s:L&R 3/91) # Hungary # : * ANAP H-1139 Budapest Hajdu u.17 4/29 Anarcho punk group (s:L&R 2/92) * Autonomia c/o Eotvos Klub Karolyi M. ut.9 H-1053 Budapest (s:90) * Budapesti Anarchista Csoport H-1399 Budapest Pf. 701/900 Budapest Anarchist Group and paper Anarchista Ojsag (s:L&R 5/92) * Demokrata Kolaszi u. 48. H-1039 Budapest Contact: Jeno Nagy Bookshop, distributor, publish Demokratia, independent political journal. (s:EAC 89) : * East-West Information and Communication Network H-1144 Budapest Furedi St. 19/a Tel: +36-11-372-987 (s:91) * Feminist Network Budapest 1056 Szerb u.8. (s:L&R 5/92) * GEO H-1139 Budapest Pf. 701/546 Aiming to create an international anarchist eco-settlement. (s:L&R 2/92) * Index-Hires sajtoszolgalat Szechenyirakpart 7 H-1054 Budapest Tel: +36-11-323-432 Independent news and Press agency. since 1989. (s:EAC 89) # Iceland # : * Campaign against military Bases Mjolnisholt 14 Reykjavik Tel: +354-1-17966 (s:EAC 89) # India # * Charitable Trust 16, gor Bagh New Delhi 110003 Tibetan support group (s:91) * Information Office Central Tibetan Secretariat Gangchen Kyishong 176215 Dharamsala H.P. (s:91) * Tibetan Youth Congress Mc Lead Ganj Dharamsala 176215 District Kangra H.P. (s:91) : # Ireland (the 26 counties) # * Quay Bookshop 24 Sullivans Quay Cork Tel: +353-21-967-660 "Specialist Subjects: women studies, gay books, non-sexist children's books, personal development and health. In the same building also: a vegetarian restaurant and women's center. (s:EAC 89) * Well Red Books Dublin Resource Centre 6 Crow Street 2 Dublin Tel: +353-1-771-974 (s:EAC 89) Bookshop, secondhand books * Workers Solidarity Movement POB 1528 Dublin 8 Publish Workers Solidarity. (s:56a 1/92) : # North Ireland (the 6 counties) # * Just Books 7 Winetavern Street Smithfield BT1 1JQ Belfast Tel: +44-232-225-426 Women/Anarchist (s:56a 1/92) * Bookworn Community Bookshop 16 Bishop St. BT 48 6PW Derry Tel: +44-504-261-616 since 1978. "Radical Bookseller, community bookshop, workers cooperative. Irish interest, feminist, gay, radical politics." (s:EAC 89) * War Zone PO Box 148 Belfast BT1 IJA Group and centre (s:56a 1/92) : # Israel and Occupied Territories # * Al-Haq 31 Main Street PO Box 1413 West Bank 02-956421 (s:Z 11/91) * Al-Fajr 7 Antara Ben Shaddad P.O. Box 19315 Jerusalem via Israel Tel: +972-2-271-655 Fax: +972-2-273-521 Palestinian English weekly, see also Hempstead N.Y. office (s:PN 7/92) * The Alternative Information Center PO Box 24278 Jerusalem Tel: +972-2-241-159 Fax: +972-2-253-151 Publish English language periodical (News From Within) on : situation and doings in the occupied territories, as well as a weekly bulletin (The Other Front) of translations and analytical commentary. They will send you for $5 a list of Jewish and Palestinian activist organizations. (a similar list is available on computer, contact 5/91) * AL HAIAT Office for Press and Publication Salah El Din street JERUSALEM Tel/Fax: +972-286-920 (s:A 6/91) * The Other Israel PO Box 2542 Holon 58125 Tel/Fax: +972-3-556-5804 Edited by Adam Keller. (s:7/92) * New Outlook 9 Gordon St. Tel Aviv 63458 or Friends of New Outlook 150 5th Ave. suite 911 : New York, NY 10011 Opinion and analysis, interviews and stories from Zionist Left-Israelis (mainly Mapam, Ratz, PLP) with significant Palestinian input. Have a list of peace-protest-coexistence & justice groups in Israel.(s:AIC 5/91) * Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA) P.O.B. 19545 Jerusalem +972-2-282-819 Put out an annual diary which contains many palestinian organizations and institutions (s:AIC 5/91) * Peace Movement Coordinating Committee of Haifa and the North (PMCC) P.O.B. 45583 Haifa Tel: +972-4-660-281 Two year old working coalition for major Haifa and environs peace and protest groups.(s:AIC 5/91) * Peace Now 177 Ben Yehuda St. : Tel Aviv 63472 Tel: +972-3-546-0227 Fax: +972-3-546-4239 Jerusalem Tel: +972-2-664716 Haifa: Try PMCC (s:AIC 5/91) * WOFPP POB 31811 Tel Aviv Tel/Fax: +927-3-528-6050 Women's Organization for Political Prisoners (s:7/92) * Women in Black PO Box 61128 Jerusalem 91060 Tel: +972-2-255-984 209 Dizengoff St. Tel Aviv Tel: +972-3-410-452 Women who stand in vigil for one hour each Friday afternoon in over 30 locations throughout Israel (and several in Europe and : North America) demanding an end to occupation. (s:AIC 5/91) * Women's Studies Center PO Box 19591 East Jerusalem via Israel Tel: +972-2-958-848 Fax: +972-2-894-023 (address to S.Mani)(s:oob 7/92) * Yesh Gvul POB 6953 Jerusalem 91068 Tel: +972-2-250271 Ishai Menuchin: +972-2-249-899 (h) Tel Aviv: +972-3-513-1472 "There is a Border/Limit" Works with resistors to military service, holds forums, demonstrations and other activities. (s:AIC 5/91) # Italy # C.S.O.A. = Centro Sociale Occupato Autogestito = Self governing squated social center Roma, Rome : * CENTRO DOCUMENTAZIONE ANARCHICO (CDA) Via dei Campani 69 I-00185 Roma Tel: +39-6-491-335 (s:A 6/91) * Lega Per L'Ambiente Via Salaria 280 I-00194 Roma Tel: +39-6-844-2277 email: Progressive computer network (s:PN 4/92) * RADIO ONDA ROSSA Via dei Volsci 56 I-00185 Roma Tel: +39-6-491-750 Fax: +39-6-446-3616 Contact for Italian Autonomists, also for the European Counter Network (ECN), an antagonist computer network. (s:11/91) * Radio Proletaria Rome : Tel: +39-6-438-1533 +39-6-430-744 Autonomous Radio station. (s:EAC 89) * CENTRO DOCUMENTAZIONE E COMUNICAZIONE ANTAGONISTA Via Goldoni 4 - c/p n.1632 PPTT succ.5 I-06100 Perugia (s:A 6/91) * C.S.O. El Paso Via Passo Buole 47 I-10127 Turin Tel: +39-11-650-2774 Collective born in 1982. 1987 squated a villa called El Passo. anarcho punk. (s:EAC 89) * Gruppo Anarchico di Controcultura via Braccio da Montrone 71/A I-00176 Roma Working inside the antagonist movement (s:2/92) * Nautilus C.P. 1311 I-10100 Turin : Tel: +39-11-722-318 Autonomous Social Center (s:91) * CENTRO DOCUMENTAZIONE COMUNICAZIONE ANTAGONISTA Via S.Croce 10/R I-16126 Genova (s:A 6/91) Milano, Milan * Centro Sociale Leon Cavallo Via Leoncavallo 22 I-20100 Milano Tel/fax: +39-2-2614-0287 Autonomous social center (s:6/92) * Decoder-International magazine Via C. Balbo 10 I-20136 Milan Tel: +39-2-5831-2978 "Revista Internazionale Underground", antagonist. (s:ECN 6/91) * Federazione Anarchia Italiana c/o Federazione Milanese : Viale Monza 255 I-20126 Milan Tel: +39-2-255-1994 Also for A-infos (s:91) * Libreria Calusca Associazione Culturale Calusca-Libreria, Centro di Informazione e Documentazione via S. Croce 21 I-20100 Milan Tel: +39-2-832-7805 Fax: +39-2-236-1589 Gives particular attention to themes of 'antagonist' self managed communication. (s:EAC 89) * Provocazione e Anarchismo c/o C.P. 14021 I-20140 Milan or M.G. Scoppetta C.P. 10705 I-20110 Milano Bi-monthly anarchist newspaper (s:91) : * Radio Popolare Piazza S. Stefano 10 I-20121 Milan Tel: +39-2-809-100 +39-2-808-240 +39-2-807-294 Fax: +39-2-807-121 Radical Radio station (s:EAC 89) * Radio Onda d'Urto Contrada Del Carmine 16 I-25100 Brescia Tel: +39-30-46596 Fax/modem: +39-30-377-1921 Autonomist radio and ECN group (s:ECN 6/91) * C.S.O.A. Arkano via Canaletto n.5 Borgomeduna I-33170 Pordenone c.p. social center, in the Contro Informazione spectrum (s:C 11\91) * C.S.O.A. Gramigna via Monta n.100 : I-35136 Padova social center and infocafe, in the Contro Informazione spectrum (s:C 11\91) * Calasca via del Zoni 14/18 I-35100 Padova bookstore (s:C 4/92) * RADIO SHERWOOD Vicolo Pontecorvo 1a I-35100 Padova Tel: +39-49-875-2129 Fax: +39-49-664-589 Modem:+39-49-875-6112 Main contact for Italian autonomen. also for ECN.(s:11/91) * Suedtiroler Hochschuelerschaft via Sciliar 1 I-39100 BOLZANO Tel:+39-471-974-614 fax +39-471-974-914 (s:A 6/91) : * Contro Informazione Via Taglia pietre 8b I-40123 Bologna Tel: +39-51-585-255 revolutionary group and magazine (s:AN 6/91) * ECN Bologna Centro di Comunicazione Antagonista Via Avesella 5b I-40121 Bologna Tel: +39-51-260-556 Autonomist (s:91) * ECN Firenze Centro di Comunicazione Antagonista via di Mezzo 46 I-50100 Firenze Tel/fax: +39-55-241-881 (s:ECN 6/91) * Centro Sociale Autogestito Intifada via 25 Aprile Ponte a Elsa Empoli (FI) : Tel: +39-571-931-021 (s:6/92) * Circolo Culturela "Biblioteca Fracno Serentini" Via S. Martino 108 I-56100 Pisa Contact: Robertino Barbieri Tel: +39-50-879-202 Anarchist archive, library, meeting place. Organizes conferences and political events. (s:EAC 89) * C.S.A. Macchia Nera Piazza S.Michele 5 I-56100 Pisa Autonomous center (s:EAC 89) * CSA MONTEVERGINI Via Montevergini 20 I-90100 Palermo Tel: +39-91-342-648 (s:A 91) Venezia, Venice * Centro Soziale Autogestito "Morion" : Salizada San Francesco Della Vigna Castello-Venezia Tel: +39-41-520-5163 * ECN Napoli Centro Soziale Autogestito Officina 99 Via Carlo di Tocco 5 Angolo via Gianturco 101 Napoli Tel/modem: +39-81-502-0238 (s:ECN 6/91) # Japan # * A.R.P. P.O. Box 57 Sakyo Yubinkyoku J-606 Kyoto Libery Volo, organ of the Japanese Anarchist Federation (s:6/92) * Asian Lesbian Network Nippon c/o Regumi Studio Tokyo : Joki Nakazawa Blde. 3F 23 Araki-cho Shinjuku-Ku Tokyo 160 (s:oob 5/92) # Korea # * C.I.R.A. Korea K.P.O. Box 1938 Kwanghwamoon Post Office, Seoul Bulletin of the Federation of Korean Anarchists (s:AA 12/90) * FAK c/o Prof. Ha Ki Rak 706-022 Suseongku Manchon 2 Dong 990-44 Taegu Federation of Korean Anarchists (s:Kal 3/90) * Korean Women's Associations United 1-23 Chung-ding : Choon-ku Seoul Tel: 738-2883 Fax: 7222-9244 Umbrella group, 25 member groups campaigning to change the family laws (s:NLNS7/92) * KWWA Kwanum Pogyowon Building, 3rd floor Guro Dong 482-1 Guro-Ku Seoul Korean Women Workers Association (s:NLNS 7/92) * Women's Society for Democracy 306, Chung Jeung Ro 3 GA, Seodaemoon-Ku Seoul 120-013 Organizing among housewives and office workers (s:NLNS 7/92) # Latvia # * The Association for Equal rights for Sexual Minorities : Riga 226001 Box 460 (s:smot 2/92) * Green Party Mezha Prsop.1 Riga 226014 Tel: +7-0132-282-882 (s:10/90) * VAK Artilerias 66-5 Riga 226009 Tel/Fax: +7-132-612-850 Telex: 161172 Tema su Environmental Protection Club # Lithuania # * Eugenius Misiunas 234520 Kapsukas (Mariampole) Veniovos 9, app. 33 Anarchist contact (s:Kal 9/91) * Lietuvos Zakioji Partija : Pylimi 4 23200 Vilnius Tel: +7-0122-266-268 Fax: +7-0122-614-544 Lithuanian Green Party (s:10/90) # Luxembourg # * A-Infos c/o AB 1, rue Auguste Dutreux L-1899 Kockelscheier Anarchist news briefs (s:3/92) * Selbstverwalt Jugendzentrum Letzebuerg 1, Place des bains L-1212 Luxembourg Tel: 461186 Fax/answering machine: 474087 or 474102 Self governing youth center (s:3/92) # Mexico # : * Amor y Rabia Apartado Postal 11-351 C.P. 06101 Mexico D.F. Mexico (s:L&R 4/92) * Colectivo Cambio Radical Apdo. Postal 13-441 C.P. 03501 Mexico D.F. Mexico (s:L&R 9/91) # Namibia # * CANAMCO c/o Peter J. Van Wyk P.O. Box 50295 Windhoek Tel: (061)-37908 Fax: (061)-33347 Community radio initiative (s:AML 4/92) * Sister Collective P.O. Box 60100 Katutura 9000 (s:oob 3/92) : # Netherlands # * Activist Press Service (APS) Postbus 6452 NL-1005 EL Amsterdam Tel/Fax: +31-20-686-6213 BBS: +31-20-684-2147 E-Mail: or Radical computer network. Part of the European Counter Network (ECN). (s:8/92) * ACT-UP! PB 15452 NL-1001 ML Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-639-2522 Aids Coalition to Unleash Power! (s:NN 1/92) * Bilwet Postbus 76116 NL-1001 RE Amsterdam Fax: +31-20-620-3297 radical author collective (s:6/92) : * CLASH 'Magazine for Resistance in Europe'. Autonomist, Anti- imperialist. Editions in German and English Always use double envelope. Inner to CLASH, outer to: Stichting Marinus vd Lubbe Postbus 11149 NL-1001 GL Amsterdam (s:6/92) * Het Fort van Sjakoo Postbus 16578 NL-1001 RB Amsterdam (Jodenbreestraat 24) Tel: +31-20-625-8979 Fax: +31-20-620-3570 M-Sa: 11-18 h. Specialized in libertarian and radical ideas from the first to the fifth world and beyond. Big book store! (s:8/92) * Foundation Europe Against the Current Jodenbreestraat 24 NL-1011 NK Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-625-8979 : +31-20-627-2643 Fax: +31-20-620-3570 Published Europe Against the Current in 1989, a catalogue of alternative, independent and radical Information Carriers.(s:3/92) * de Harde Kern Kinkerstraat 48 huis NL-1053 DX Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-612-6172 Fax: +31-20-616-8967 Information and action center. Involved in Israel boycott and refugee support (s:APS 1/92) * International Institute of Social History Cruquiusweg 31 NL-1019 AT Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-668-5866 Fax: +31-20-665-4181 email: GEO2:IISG "The best archiv of the left in Europe" Also the home of ID- Archiv, (s:3/92) : * International archief vd Vrouwenbeweging Keizersgracht 10 NL-1015 CN Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-6244-2685 International archive of the women's movement (s:NN 3/92) * Kriminalisierungsrundbrief German magazine on the criminalization of the movement. Use 2 envelopes! inner envelope with Kriiminalisierungsrundbrief, outer envelope with: Vrouwengroep OLW de Wittenstraat 73 NL-1052 Amsterdam (s:AN 3/92) * NN Ostadestraat 233d NL-1073 TN Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-671-6773 Bi-weekly radical activist paper.(s:8/92) * Patapoe PB 3369 NL-1001 AD Amsterdam : very good pirate radio, 101.5 FM (s:3/92) * Radio 100 PO Box 10096 NL-1001 EB Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-616-3421 +31-21-616-2641 Pirate radio station. 100.1 FM (s:8/92) * Ultimatum Houtkopersburgwal 15 NL-1011 LL Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-624-4158 Central American paper, infocenter, etc. (s:NN 1/92) * de Vrije PB 75412 NL-1070 AK Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-616-5598 Anarchist monthly (s:NN 1/92) * Vrije Keyser PB 14521 : NL-1001 LA Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-688-1914 Fax: +31-20-684-9505 pirate squaters' radio, 96.2 FM (s:3/92) * Xantippe Prinsengracht 290 NL-1016 HJ Amsterdam Tel: +31-20-623-5854 Fax: +31-20-624-8013 M.13-18. Tu-F.10-18. Sa.10-17. 'The largest women's bookstore in the world' (s:NN 3/92) * De Lynx Baanstraat 5a NL-1941 CE Beverwijk Tel: +31-2510-12183 Leftwing progressive bookshop.(s:NN 1/92) * De Invalshoek Koppenhinksteeg 2 NL-2312 HX Leiden Tel: +31-71-127619 : W. 14-18h., Fr. 20-24h. Lang: dutch, eng, ger Europe '92, gay, women, animal liberation Infoshop(s:c 4/92) * Manifest Hooglandsekerkgracht 4 NL-2312 MT Leiden Tel: +31-71-125-691 left bookshop (s:8/92) * A-Infos c/o C.A.S. P. Box 61523 NL-2506 AM Den Haag Anarchist news briefs (s:Kal 10/91) * KONFRONTATIE Post Bus 10233 NL-2501 HE Den Haag Tel: +31-73-136-927 Radical movement monthly, much discussion and theory (s:3/92) : * de Rode Hond Prins Hendrikstraat 138 NL-2518 HX Den Haag Tel: +31-70-364-8861 left bookshop (s:8/92) * AMOK Esdoornstraat 14 NL-2551 AJ Utrecht Tel: +31-30-442-122 Anti-Militarist Research. Newspaper and archive (s:APS 1/92) * Rooie Rat Oudegracht 65 NL-2511 AD Utrecht Tel: +31-30-317-189 Left bookstore. Also for SMAK, distributer, including pink and pink/black star pins (s:4/92) * Anti Racisme Informatie Centrum Grotekerkplein 5 NL-3011 GC Rotterdam Tel: +31-10-411-3911 : Fax: +31-10-412-8433 (s:ZAG 8/92) * Infoshop Phoenix Stieltjesstraat 38 NL-3071 JX Rotterdam Tel: +31-10-423-1385 Wed. 19-23h. Antifascism, anarchism, animal liberation, anti-militarism. (s:c 4/92) * Vrije Bond PB 31067 NL-3003 HB Rotterdam Tel: +31-10-413-0885 Anarcho-syndicalist union (s:NN 1/92) * Vrienden van EPP'92 Asniederslaan 14 NL-5615 GE Einhoven Tel: +31-40-448-087 Fax: +31-40-440-356 email: European Peace Pilgrimage 1992 (s:91) : * Infocafe Assata Koninginnelaan 1 NL-6542 Nijmegen Tel: +31-80-730-353 (s:NN 8/92) * Assata Tweede Walstraat 21 NL-6511 LN Nijmegen Tel/Fax: +31-80-605-208 Bookstore (s:c 4/92) * Radio Rataplan PB 1252 NL-6501 BG Nijmegen Tel: +31-80-223-940 Free Radio, 102.5 FM (s:NN 1/92) * Wilde Wereld Burgtstraat 3 NL-6701 DA Wageningen Tel: +31-8370-23588 Infoshop and Bio-technologie Archive (s:E 7/92) : * Infoshop Groningen Postbus 2107 NL-9704 CC Groningen Tel: +31-50-133-247 (Steentilstraat 38) And VIC, peace center and office of AMOK noord. (s:c 4/92) * RAFKO Postbus 902 NL-9700 AX Groningen Tel: +31-50-143-927 Revolutionair Anarchisties Feministies Kollektief. "Political bookstore started by a revolutionary anarchist feminist collective." (s:EAC 89) # New Zealand # * Anarchist Alliance of Aotearea PO Box 78-104 Grey Lynn (s:PE 10/91) * Association for Transarmament : PO Box 5629 Dunedin (s:GWR 11/91) * Nexus Private Bag 3059 Hamilton Tel: 71-569-139 ext. 19 Fax: 71-563-161 Official Weekly of the Waikato Student Union. (s:AA 12/90) * Social Dis-ease c/o Anarchy Organization P.O. Box 14 156 Kilbirnie Wellington An anarcho-punk spasmodical-previously titled "Anti-System" (s:AN 6/91) # Nicaragua # * CRIES (Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Economicas y Sociales) Iglesia Carmen : 1 cuadra al lago Apartado 3516 Managua Tel: +505 (2) 26.2.28 or 25.1.37 Fax: +505 (2) 26.1.80 e-mail: Progressive computer netwrok (s:PN 4/92) # Norway # * Blitz Info group Pilestredet 30 c. N-0146 Oslo Tel: +47-2-110-109 Fax: +47-2-112-349 Lang: Nor, Eng, ger, Span, Ital Autonomist Bookcafe (s:c 4/92) * Gate avisa Futurum Forlag A/5 Hjelmsgt.3 N-0355 Oslo 3 : Tel: +47-2-691-284 Anarchist paper (s:2/91) * Tronsmo Bokhandel Kristian Augustsgate 19 N-0164 Oslo Tel: +47-2-202-509 +47-2-203-787 radical cultural bookshop (s:EAC 89) * UFFA Innherredsun. 69c 7002 Trondheim Tel: +47-7-514-849 Fax: +47-7-535-552 Lang: Eng,Ger,Nor,Dan,Swe animal liberation, antifascism, environment Autonomist Youth House. (s:c 4/92) * Asfaltindianerne PO Box 1218 N-9001 Tromso Tel: +47-838-7599 : Fax: +47-838-7470 Put out a bulletin of actions against the Gulf War and called for Aug 28, 90 as International Action Day. (s:clash 1/91) * Ekomedia PO Box 98 N-9160 Vannvag Fax: +47-83-49334 International News from Northern Norway in English (s:11/91) # Panama # * Information Center for the Coordinating Commission c/o Asociacion Kunas Unidos por Nabguana Apartado Postal 536 Panama 1 Tel: 507-63-88-79 or 507-63-40-27 Fax: 507-69-35-14 Continental Coordinating Commission of Indigenous Nations and Orginazations (s:AML 10/92) # Paraguay # : * Coordinadora de Organizaciones Sindicales Independientes Brasil y Mcal Estigarribia 1er Piso Asuncion (s:L&R 11/92) # Peru # * CAL Juilio C. Tello 421 Urbanizazion San Jose Callo 2 Anarcho-syndicalist org. (s:L&R 11/91) * Moviemiento Homosexual de Lima Apartado 110289 Lima 11 (s:Amazora 6/92) # Philippines # * The Center for Women's Resources #18 Sot. Lozano St. : Quezon City Tel: 921-21-68 (s:TWR 3/92) # Poland # FA=Polish Anarchist Federation * FA Bielsko-Biala Andrzej Kapcia Goleszowska 10 m.18 43-300 Bielsko-Biala A group of punk-anarchists. (s:FA 5/92) * FA Czestochowa Artur Kielasiak Pietrusinskiego 14 m.15 42-200 Czestochowa (s:FA 5/92) * FA Debica Marek Cyran : Glowackiego 39 m.114 39-200 Debica The new, young group from Debica. Mostly anti-draft activities, anti-militarism, environmentalism, animal rights and punk/h.c. (s:FA 5/92) * Klaudiusz Wesolek Slupska 32 m.22 80-392 Gdansk Especially problems of local community and students' activities. Free Syndicate of Students (s:FA 5/92) * Czarny Alians PO Box 67 81806 Sopot Tel: +48-58-518-676 Black Alliance, anarchist contact in Gdansk. Especially free market, struggle against taxes, freedom of drugs and pornography, pacifism, animal rights, vegetarianism; also address of "Man-Gala Press" (s:FA 5/92) * ZGAGA : Marek Rau Cicha 4 m.4 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki Autonomous Anarchist Group From Grodzisk (s:FA 5/92) * An-Arche Uniwersytet Slaski Bankowa 12B, Pok. 1 40-007 Katowice Tel: +48-32-58-82-11 wewnetrzny (x.) 396 mondays Circle of friends interested in libertarian anarchism, ecology pacifism and (mostly) counter-culture. National information office of the Anarchist Federation, Contacts with Green Federation or Dariusz Tkaczyk Miedzyblokowa 14A m.10 41-713 Ruda Slaska Especially punk/hard core music, distribution of tapes, records, magazines, T-shirts, organizing concerts, publication of music etc.; also punk/h.c. magazine "V Kolumna" (s:FA 5/92) * FA Kielce : Tomasz Bednarski Warszawska 47 m.35 25-531 Kielce or Wojciech Wytrych os. Barwinek 22 m.43 25-113 Kielce Counter-culturists and libertarian anarchists. (s:FA 5/92) * FA Koszalin Jacek Stralka Projektantow 15 m.10 73-324 Koszalin (s:FA 5/92) * FA Krakow Marek Kurzyniec Narzymskiego 32 m.25 Krakow Especially anarcho-syndicalism, radical movements in the world, Russia and other parts of the ex-USSR; also FA's Committee for ex-USSR affairs. (s:FA 5/92) * LAGA : Tomast Wojcicki Boleslawa Chrobrego 15 m.3 20-611 Lublin Lublin Autonomous Anarchist Group (s:FA 5/92) * OGAS Beata Kubica Sieradzka 5 m.708 45-334 Opole Opole Group of Social Activity, part of the FA and Federacja Zielonych (the Green Federation). Especially women's rights, feminism, pacifism, environmentalism, animal rights. (s:FA 5/92) * FA/WiP Rzeszow Jagiellonska 6 Rzeszow Activities mostly for the benefit of anti-militarism, ecology and alternative culture. (s:FA 5/92) * FA Szczecin : Bartosz Sawicki Boryny 38 m.11 70-017 Szczecin Mostly activities among young people, anti-draft activities. (s:FA 5/92) * Dariusz Misiuna PO Box 131 Warszawa 4 Especially situationism, anti-psychiatry, avantguard art; also "Nagi Krol" publishing house. (s:FA 5/92) * Polish Feminist Association ul. Gorska 7/53 Warsaw, Poland (s:91) * Piotr Rymarczyk Grzybowska 30 m.914 00-863 Warszawa Especially self-government activities, enti-militarism, ecology, alternative culture; address of RSA Warszawa. (s:FA 5/92) : # Portugal # * A-Infos Maldicao/c. Lux Apartado 21477 P-1134 Lisboa cedex Anarchist news briefs (s:Kal 10/91) * A Ideia Av. Guerra Janqueiro 19-5 P-1000 Lisbon anarchist magazine (s:91) * Post Scriptum c/o Rua Visconda des Devesas 600 P-4400 Vila Nova de Gaia Tel: +351- -302-432 Contact Nuno Carvalho "Post-Scriptum began as an anarcho/punk magazine but soon we saw that it was not enough... Now we are interested in many subjects...." (s:EAC 89) : # Puerto Rico # * Ofensiva '92 Apartado Postal 20190 Rio Piedras 00928 National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War (s:ATS 6/92) # Rumania # * Miscarea Ecologista Romania Str. Olga Bancic 11 Bucuresti Sector 2 Tel: +40-0-112-943 or 113-715 Ecologist group (s:10/90) * Partidul Ecologist Roman B-dul Leontin Salajan 55 Bloc M1A Scara B Etaj 5, Ap.58 Bucuresti Sector 3 Ecologist group (s:10/90) : # Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine # Moscow, * ACT UP/Moscow c/o Roman Kalinin 103009 Moscow-9 Do. Vostrebovaniya Tel: +7-095-153-9035 (s:L&R 6/91) * 'AGRO' Association Moscow 129224 Box 157 Editors of the Magazine 'Risk' Queer contact (s:SMOT 2/92) * AROM Young Anarchist front contact: Oleg (Kay) Kokotov Moscow 123480 Ul. Geroev Panfilostev Dom 3 Korp 1 Kv 59 : Tel: +7-095-51340 (s:91) * The Free Trade Union of the Republic of Belorussia Belorussia, 220600 Minsk pl. Svobody, 23 Tel: (Minsk) 271316 or 275778 (s:SMOT 2/92) * GlasNet Ulitsa Yaroslavskaya 8 Korpus 3 Komnata 111 129164 Moscow Tel: +7-095-217-6173 or +7-095-217-6182 email: Progressive computer network (s:PN 4/92) * the Group for Psychological Aid to Sexual Minorities Moscow Ul. Malomoskovskaya, 4 'Medecine and Reproduction' N.Oleynikov (s:SMOT 2/92) : * IRA Ukraine Drepropetrovsk 320100 Pr. Geroev 20/95 Ukraine Anarchist Federation (s:91) * IREAN c/o Dmitri Kostenko Moscow 105215 Ul. Parkovaya 9 aya Dom 55 KV 60 Tel: +7-095-963-7861 (Vladim Damier) Initiative of Revolutionary Anarchists (s:L&R 4/92) * K.A.S. 113209 Moskva u. Bolotnikovskaya dom 38 korp.6, kv.47 A. V. Shershukov Tel: +7-095-121-7001 or 117279 Moskva : ul.Miklukho-Maklaya dom 38 kv.136 V. gubarev Tel: +7-095-420-3770 International Secretary Mike Tsomva Volzhsky Boulvard 21/62 109 402 Moscow Tel: +7-095-179-1395 Confederation Anarcho-Syndacalists and their paper Obschina * KAS-KOR Digest 44-71 Street N. Krasnocielskaya Moscow 107066 (s:Kal 10/91) or PO Box 16 Moscow 129642 Tel: +7-095-921-0655 (s:CI 7/92) KAS info in English and French * Moscow Foundation of Social Initiatives email: glas.sagapitov or saagapitov : * Moscow Union of Homosexuals Moscow 109180 J-180 Box 11 Editors of the Newspaper 'Tema' (s:SMOT 2/92) * Nester c/o Yuri Anisimov Zhitomir 262030 Ul. Manvilsky 98 Kv. 47 Ukraine Publication of the confederation of Ukrainian Anarchists (CAO) (s:L&R 11/91) * 'Nevskaya Perspektiva' Association Saint-Petersburg 191186 D-186 Box 108 Queer contact (s:SMOT 2/92) * The Russian Organization for Lesbian Rights Tel: +7-095-177-2428 (Sveta) or +7-095-153-9035 (Genia) (s:SMOT 2/92) : * 'Sibirsky Variant' Barnaul 656054 Box 783 Queer magazine (s:SMOT 2/92) * SMOT Independent free trade union (s:SMOT 2/92) Alexandre Tchoukaev 145 rue Amelot F-75011 Paris, France Moscow 109371 I-aia Novokovzminskai ul, dom 16, kor 1, kv 13 Olga Korzinina St.Petersburg 191014 Ligovskiy Prospekt dom 2, kv 8 Wladimir Sitinsky : Smolensk 214033 Ul. Rilenkova dom 17, kv 8 Raskasov Victor Cloushankov Nickolay Belorussia Minsk 220094 Prospekt Rokossouskovo dom 12, kov 1, kv 550 Anatoli Matreinko # South Africa # * The Gay and Lesbian Organization of Witwatersrand PO Box 23017 Joubert Park 2044 Johannesburg (s:AML 4/92) * South African Student Press Union 13 DJ du Plessis Building PO wits Johannesburg 2050 (s:NLNS 4/92) : * SPEAK P.O. Box 45213 Mayfair 2018 Women's journal (s:oob 3/92) * US-SA Sister Community Project/Global Exchange PO Box 5328 Johannesburg 2000 Tel: +27-11-834-1677 Fax: +27-11-834-8385 email: (s:PN 9/92) # Spain and Euskadi # * Ateneo Libertario Poble Sec c/ El Cano 48 E-08004 Barcelona Tel: +34-3-329-3661 Anarchist cultural center etc. Publish Revista Libertaria and put together address list. (s:DL 91) * El Lokal c/. La Cera 1 : E-08001 Barcelona Tel: +34-3-329-0643 Fax: +34-3-424-3871 Book store, bar and anarchist publisher. (s:c 4/92) * Desenmascaremos ei 92 AEDENAT c/ Campomanes 132 E-28013 Madrid Tel: +34-1-541-1077 or 1071? Campaign against olympics, expo and Columbus (s:3/92) * LUCHA AUTONOMA A.C. GATO SALVAJE Costanilla de los Desamparados 17 E-28014 Madrid Tel+34-1-420-0840 (s:A 6/91) * MERDE Movimento El Rapto De Europa Alaneda 22 E-28014 Madrid Tel: +34-1-429-0915 radical distributor (s:EAC 89) : * Minuesa Ronda de Toledo 24 E-28005 Madrid Squated house and social center (s:A 6/91) * S.S.T.J. Apdo 17.140 E-28080 Madrid Sabotaje, worker, autonomist/anarchist magazine (s:91) * Solidaridad Obrera c/Montera 37-2'I- E-28013 Madrid Tel: +34-1-523-1516 (s:B 9/91) * UPA Hortaleza 19 1d Madrid Tel: +34-1-532-4238 News agency and info center. Good for contacts with free radios (s:A 6/91) : * AUPA APTDO 3113 Pamplona Contact for repression in Sevilla (s:7/92) * Egozki Etxez Nabarreria 6-1. E-31001 Irunez Tel: +34-48-22-0758 and Eguzki Irratiz a free radio (s:D 5/92) * Izar Beltza Ap. Correis 1188 E-31015 Irunez Tel/fax: +34-48-224-766 Th. 21-22h. Group Anarchiste in Pamplona (s:D 5/92) * Komite Internazistak c/o Cruce de la calle Descalzos y Eslava Bajo Iruna (Navarra) Tel: +34-48-211-173 Fax: +34-48-212-758 : Contact for repression in Sevilla (s:7/92) * BILBOKO GAZTETXEA c/Banco de Espana n.2 Bilbao Vizkaia Euskadi Tel +34-4-416-3612 (s:91) * cnt c/vivda de Epalza 12, 2' E-48005 Bilbao Tel/fax: +34-4-415-3880 Anarcho-syndicalist union (s:2/92) * Kontzienzi Eragozpen Mugimendua Carniceria Vieja 9-4 E-48005 Bilboa Tel: +34-4-415-3771 Basque Antimilitarist Movement, from an anti-capitalist perspective. (s:EAC 89) * Tas-Tas Apdo 275 Orereta : Tel: +34-4-351-2086 "Tas Tas, Alternative Information Agency collects and distributes information about the alternative movements in Spain and Euskadi. Puts out a weekly bulletin based on daily contacts with other groups. The information is archived. (s:EAC 89) * Ateneo Libertario de Zaragoza Apdo 1090 E-50080 Zaragoza Tel: +34-76-383-673 18-20h. Mon-Fri. (s:B 9/91) * Autonomas de Zaragoza Ber Entatto c/Mayor 50 E-50001 Zaragoza (Aragon) (s:B 9/91) * Kolectivo Dinamita (Grupo Autonomo Libertario) Apdo. 832 E-50080 Zaragoza (Aragon) (s:B 9/91) : * Urtoki Kolektiboa Apdo. 1453 San Sebastian Tel: +34-43-421-931 Fax: +34-43-471-931 Lang: eng Liberation of the Basque country (s:C 4/92) * 'El Patio' Calle Moratin 7 Sevilla Tel: +34-5-456-0241 Fax: +34-5-421-4111 Contact for repression in Sevilla (s:7/92) Sweeden * Riksfoerbundet Stoppa Rasismen Box 29 S-145 01 Norsburg Tel: +46-8-642-90-67 (s:AN 3/92) : * Bokhandeln Info Hornsgatan 151 S-11734 Stockholm Tel: +46-8-658-5839 Fax: +46-8-641-6295 M-Fr. 13-19h Sa. 11-16 Contacts: women, antifa, class struggle, anarchist and syndicalist. Anarchist bookstore and contact for the Anarchist Federation Stockholm (s:c 4/92) * NordNet Huvudskaersvaegen 13, nb S-12154 Stockholm Tel: +46-8-600-0331 Fax: +46-8-600-0443 e-mail: Progressive computer network (s:PN 4/92) * Info Hornsg. 151 S-11734 Stockholm Tel: +46-8-658-5839 (s:B 9/91) : * SAC-The Syndicalists Central Organization of Swedish Workers Box 6507 (Cveavagen 98) S-113 50 Stockholm Tel: +46-8-673-3559 Fax: +46-8-673-0345 Syndicalist trade union. Publish a newsletter in english. (s:B 9/91) * Barrikaden Box 7539 S-20042 Malmo Lang: eng, ger, (french) Contacts: womens groups, EEC groups, film and newspaper groups, antifa, environmental groups. Barrikaden is a newspaper. (s:c 4/92) * Wapiti Kiliansg. 15 S-22221 Lund Tel: +46-14-0977 M-F 11-20h, S 11-15 (s:c 4/92) : * Kaffee 44 Tjarhovsgatan 46 Tubestation "Medborgarplatsen" Kapsylen (s:B 9/91) * Farnas-Pobeln Salterigatan 12 Goteborg Tel: +46-31-546-093 (s:B 9/91) # Switzerland # * International Center for Research on Anarchism (CIRA) avenue de Beeaumont 24 CH-1012 Lausanne Tel: +41-21-324-819 +41-21-323-543 M-F. 16-19 h. (s:8/91) * Autonome VolkBibliothek Reitschule Neubruckstr. 8 : CH-3012 Bern Tel: +41-31-246-317 Fax: +41-31-247-874 Lang: ger, eng, span (fren, ital) (s:c 4/92) antifa, Bern groups * Komitee Schluss mit den Schnuffelstaat Postfach 6948 CH-3001 Bern Tel: +41-31-454-858 Fax: +41-31-452-258 Anti-repression (s:ECN 4/92) * Megaphon Postfach 7611 CH-3001 Bern Autonomist weekly (s:91) * Libertaeres Zentrum Basel Brombacherstr. 33 CH-4057 Basel Tel: +41-61-692-9029 PC 40-25374-6 (s:Kal 91) : * Mieter/innen Laden Haltingerstr. 20a CH-4057 Basel (s:91) * FraZ Postfach 648 CH-8025 Zuerich Tel: +41-1-272-7371 Feminist magazine, "Lesbian, resistance"(s:91) * Gruppe fuer eine Schweiz Ohne Armee GSOA-Sekretariat Post-Fach 261 CH-8026 Zuerich Tel: +41-1-273-0100 Fax: +41-1-273-0212 Group for a Switzerland without an Army (s:91) * Infoladen-cafe Kasama Backerstr. 51 CH-8004 Zuerich Lang: Ger, Eng, Fren, Ital, Span, Turk (s:c 4/92) : * Infoladen & Internationales Widerstandsarchiv Kanzleistr. 56 CH-8004 Zuerich Infoladen & International Resistance Archive (s:c 4/92) * Information aus dem Widerstand in der Schweiz Baslerstrasse 106 CH-8048 Zuerich Tel: +42-1-491-2066 "Current topics from the autonomous movement in Switzerland"(s:91) * Radio Lora Militaerstr. 186 CH-8004 Zuerich Tel: 41-1-241-5959 Free radio station (s:7/92) * H.R. Fricker Buero fuer Kunsterische Umtriebe CH-9043 Trogen Netwoker info distributers (s:OM 3/92) : # Thailand # * Ladies Lodge Asian Lesbian network PO Box 322 Rajdamnern, Bankok Don't use the work lesbian in the address! (s:Emma '92) * Women's Association 64 Petchabur, Bankok (s:Emma '92) * Women's Information Center (WIC) Counseling for Prostitutes PO Box 747 Bankok 10700 (s:Emma '92) # Turkey # * Green Party Fax: +90-51-63502 (s:91) : * Efendisiz Ufuk Ozcan P.K. 953 34437 Sirkeci Istanbul Anarchist paper, use a bland envelope, don't mention Efendisiz (s:kal 91) * Yesiller Partisl Rihtim cd. Nemlizade sk.#4 Kadikoy Istanbul Tel: +90-1-338-8395 or 337-3985 Green Party (s:10/90) # Uganda # * Arise ACFODE : ACFODE house, Bukoto PO Box 16729 Kampala-Uganda Tel: 245936 K'la Women's Quarterly (s:oob 3/92) # Uruguay # * Chasque Miguel del Corro 1461 Montevideo 11200 Tel: +598-2-496-192 Fax: +598-2-419-222 email: Progressive computer network (s:PN 4/92) * Federacion Anarquista Uruguaya cc 14031 Montevideo (s:L&R 1/91) * NGONET Casilla Correo 1539 Montevideo 1100 email:,, geo2: ngonet : (s:PN 4/92) * Opcion Libertaria Geal Casillo de Correo 141 Montevideo Anarchist contact (s:L&R 1/91) * Solidaridad Magallaves 1764 Montevideo Anarchist contact (s:L&R 1/91) # U.S.A. # Country code for telephone: +1 # 00000-09999 # * Center for Popular Economics P.O. Box 785 E Amherst, MA 01004 Tel: 413-545-0743 email: (s:AML 5/92) Boston : * Free My People 328 Warren St. Roxbury, MA 02119 Tel: +617-427-9795 Black youth organization (s:Thistle 2/91) * Fund for a Free South Africa 729 Boylston St., 5th Floor Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 617-267-8333 Fax: 617-267-2585 Supports the ANC (s:Z 11/91) * Gay Community News 62 Berkeley St. Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 617-426-2723 (s:KIO 3/92) * Infact 256 Hanover St. Boston, MA 02113 Tel: 617-742-4583 : Sponsors of General Electric and Nestle boycotts (s:BayDir 2/92) * Midnight notes Box 204 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Marxist Autonomist? journal (s:90) * National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War Box 613 Dorchester, MA 02124 (s:ATS 6/92) * National Toxics Campaign 1168 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02134 Tel: 617-232-0327 Progressive environmental group (s:peg 1/91) * Revolutionary Sisters of Color PO Box 191021 Roxbury, MA 02119 radical feminist, socialist and activist organization of women of color (s:oob 8/92) : * South End Press 116 St. Botolph St. Boston, MA 02155 Radical non-authoritarian publishers (s:92) * Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND) PO Box 153 New Town Branch Boston, MA 02258-9990 (s:91) * Z Magazine 150 West Canton St. Boston, MA 02118 Tel: 617-236-5878 Fax: 617-247-3179 Radical Anti-authoritarian monthly with articles from bell hooks, Noam Chomsky etc. (s:3/92) Cambridge * AFSC-NE 2161 Mass Ave. : Cambridge, MA 02140 Tel: 617-661-6130 * American Friends Service Committee (Quaker) Peace and justice organization (s:91) B.A.D. P.O. Box 1323 Cambridge, MA 02238 Boston Anarchist Drinking Brigade, a small band of anarchists who meet weekly in a local bar to socialize. Also address for Joe Peacott, author of various anarchist texts (s:9/91) * Boston Mobilization for Survival (mobe) 11 Garden Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: 617-354-0008 Non-violent progressive activism (s:91) * Cambridge Peace Commission Kathy Hoffman City Hall Annex 57 Inman St. Cambridge, MA 02139 : Tel: 617-349-4694 (s:91) * Coalition for palestinian Rights P.O. Box 2316 Cambridge, MA 02238 Tel/Fax: 617-661-9167 (s:TWR 6/92) * Cultural Survival 11 Divinity Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: 617-495-2562 Publish Cultural Survival quarterly, support of aboriginal peoples (s:AML 91) * East Coast Bisexual Network Box 639 Cambridge, MA 02140 Tel: 617-247-6683 (s:AML 91) * New Liberation News Service PO Box 325 Kendall Square Branch Cambridge, MA 02142 : Tel: +1-617-492-8316 email: Progressive press service for college and community papers (s:10/92) * Political Research Associates 678 Mass. Ave, Suite 205 Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel: 617-661-9313 Non-Profit center that analyzes authoritarian and right wing trends. (s:AML 9/92) * University Conversion Project Box 748 Cambridge, MA 02142 Tel: 617-354-9363 email: (s:3/92) * Radical America One Summer St. Somerville, MA 02143 Tel: 617-628-6585 Radical journal (s:91) : * The Watch Box 12 Brandeis Univ. Waltham, MA 02254 Tel: 617-736-4776 Progressive student paper (s:NLNS 6/92) * autonome forum PO Box 1242 Burlington, VT 05402-1242 email: Autonomist/anti-imperialist group, involved in Arm the Spirit and Love and Rage (s:9/92) * Institute for Social Ecology PO Box 89 Plainfield, VT 05667 Tel: 802-454-8493 (s:Z 4/92) * National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War 138 Jefferson St. Hartford, CT 06106 (s:ATS 6/92) : * Donnelly/Colt Box 188 Hampton, CT 06247 Tel: 203-455-9621 Fax: 203-455-9621 progressive mail order, pins, stickers etc. (s:MAP 9/92) * Hermes c/o WSA Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 06457 Progressive student paper (s:NLNS 91) * Inland Book Company P.O. Box 120261 East Haven, CT 06512 Tel: 203-467-4257 or 8364? orders 243-0138 Big mail order catalogue of leftist and alternative titles (s:92) * Open Media : P.O. BOX 2726 Westfield, NJ 07091 Tel: 908-789-9608 Fax: 908-654-3829 Put out the Open Magazine Pampflet Series (s:2/92) # 10000-19999 # New York City A-Central 208 East 7th Street New York, NY 10009 anarchist bookstore (s:Shadow 6/91) * A-distribution 339 Lafayette #202 New York, NY 10012 Anarchist distribution (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Alternative Media Information Center 39 West 14 st., Suite 403 New York, NY 10011 : Tel: 212-929-2663 Fax: 212-929-2732 (s:Z 12/91) * Anarchist Black Cross NY PO Box 20521 Tompkins Square Station New York, NY 10009 (s:L&R 3/92) * Anarchist Switchboard 324 E 9 St.N New York, NY 10003 Tel: 212-475-8312 publish Anarchist Social (s:DL 91) * Anarchist Youth Federation/NYC PO Box 365 Canal St. Station New York, NY 10013-0365 (s:L&R 4/92) * Autonomedia POB 568 Brooklyn, NY 11211 Marxist autonomist publishers (s:89) : * Red Balloon Collective 2652 Cropsey Ave. #7h Brooklyn, NY 11214 Tel: 718-449-0037 (s:NLNS 6/92) * The Campaign to Free Black Political Prisoners and P.O.W.'s in the U.S. PO Box 339-Kingsbridge Station Bronx, NY 10463-0339 Tel: 718-624-0800 Working on Dhoruba bin Wahad's campaign. (s:EM 3/92) * Children of War 85 S. Oxford St. Brooklyn, NY 11217 Tel: 718-858-6882 (s:AML 91) * Citizen Soldier 175 Fifth Ave #808 New York, NY 10010 Tel: 212-777-3470 Non-profit GI/veteran's rights advocacy organization. : * C.W. New York City P.O. Box 20370 Tompkins Sq. Stn. NYC, 10009 Class War group. (s:3/92) * Coalition to Stop US Intervention in the Middle East 36 East 12th St., 6th floor New York, NY 10003 Tel: 212-254-5385 Fax: 212-979-1538 And the Commission of Inquiry, and the Haiti Commission for Inquiry (s:3\92) * Commission of Inquiry 39 West 14th St. New York, NY 10010 Tel: 212-633-6646 (s:AML 8/92) * Cuba Information Project 121 West 27 Street, Room 301 New York, NY 10001 : Tel: 212-927-0613 (s:AML 3/92) * Deep Dish TV 339 Lafayette Street New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-473-8933 Fax: 212-420-8223 email: (s:Z 4/92) * Democratic Socialists of America 15 Dutch St. #500 New York, NY 10038 Tel: 212-962-0390 (s:AML 91) * FAIR 130 W 25th Street New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212-633-6700 Fax: 212-727-7668 email: Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting. Publish Extra! (s:AML 9/92) : * Free Puerto Rico Committee PO Box 2512 Cadman Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11202 Tel: 212-243-0202 (s:AML4/92) * The Guardian 24 West 25th New York, NY 10010 Tel: 212-691-0404 Radical independent newsweekly (no longer existant?) (s:91) * Impact Visuals 28 West 27 St, suite 901 New York, NY 10001 Tel: 212-683-9688 Fax: 212-725-8318 Radical foto agency.(s:Z4/92) * International Solidarity Network PO Box 20114 Tompkins Sq. Station New York, NY 10009 : Fax: 212-924-9055 (s:Clash 1/91) * Lies of Our Times 145 West 4th St. New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-254-1061 FAx: 212-254-9598 telex: 650-305-3524/MCI Monthly magazine of media criticism (s:2/92) * Love and Rage PO Box 3 Prince Street Station New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-925-7966 Fax: 212-925-7976 email: North American, revolutionary anarchist newsmonthly, in English and spanish. Also for Autonomist Anarchist Action (s:L&R 4/92) * Media Network 39 W. 14 St, suite 403 : New York, NY 10011 Tel: 212-929-2663 Links independent media producers to audiences who seek alternative points of view on the issues affecting their lives (s:Z 4/92) * Mobilization for Survival 45 John St. Suite 811 New York, NY 10273-0090 (s:91) * Movement Support Network Center for Constitutional Rights 666 Broadway, 7th floor New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-614-6422 (hotline) (s:1/91) * The Nation Box P12 72 Fifth Ave. New York, NY 10011 email: Leftist magazine (s:AML 7/92) : * National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War 203 E. 115th St. New York, NY 10029 (s:ATS 6/92) * National Lawyers Guild 55 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10013-0089 (s:91) * NSNGNY 339 Lafayette St. New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-674-9499 Nica. Soli. Net. of Greater NY (s:91) * Neither East Nor West 528 Fifth Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel: 718-499-7720 Activists East and West working together, Anarchist emphasis (s:91) * New Jewish Agenda : 64 Fulton St.#1100 New York, NY 10038 Tel: 212-227-5885 Fax: 212-962-6211 * NY Transfer News Service 235 East 87th Street New York, NY 10128 Modem: 718-448-2358 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, 300, 1200, 2400 Baud, 24 hours. email: Radical computer network (s:7/92) * The Office of Tibet 241 E. 32st. New York, NY 10016 Tel: 212-213-5010 U.S. representative of the Tibetan government-in-exile (s:6/92) * Paper Tiger 339 Lafayette St. : New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-228-6370 Tel: 212-420-9045 for Paper Tiger Television They have video tapes for activism. (s:AML 3/92) * QUISP PO Box 282 Cathedral Station New York, NY 10025 Tel: 212-969-8598 Queers United in Support of Political Prisoners (s:L&R 6/92) * Radical Women 32 Union sq. East New York, NY 10003 Tel: 212-677-7002 or 491-5163 International socialist feminist organization (s:Shadow 9/92) * The Shadow P.O. Box 20298 New York, NY 10009 Tel: 212-971-9611 (s:Shadow 9/92) : * Urban Justice Institute PO Box 416 HUB station Bronx, NY 10455 Tel: 212-716-3540 (s:NLNS 7/92) * WBAI-FM Radio 505 Eighth Ave., 19th fl. New York, NY 10018 Tel: 212-279-0707 Pacifica Radio Network Affiliate, progressive, 99.5 FM (s:AML 9/92) * War Resisters League 339 Lafayette St. New York, NY 10012 Tel: 212-228-0450 Fax: 212-228-6193 Non-violent peace and justice group (s:oob 5/92) * WHAM PO Box 733 New York, NY 10009 : Tel: 212-713-5966 Wmen's Health Action and Mobilization (s:L&R 2/92) * Witness for Peace 198 Broadway #302 New York, NY 10273-0013 Tel: 202-797-1160 (s:AML 91) * Workers Solidarity Alliance International Secretary 339 Lafayette St., Room 202 New York, NY 10012 US distributor of SMOT and East European News. See WSA, San Francisco (s:L&R 9/91) * East Timor Action Network-U.S. P.O. Box 1182 White Plains, NY 10602 Tel: 914-428-7299 Fax: 914-428-7383 email: (s:TWR 7/92) * Followship of Reconcilliation (FOR) : Box 271 Nyack, NJ 10960 Tel: 914 358-4601 Interfaith pacifist group, resources on non-violence. (s:91) * Al-Fajr 16 Crowell St. Hempstead, NY 11550 Tel: 516-485-5736 Fax: 516-564-8850 N.Y. office of the Jerusalem based Palestinian English weekly (s:PN 7/92) * Student Leader Press Service NYSSL 20 Center St. New Paltz, NY 12561-0211 Tel: 914-255-2500 (24h. hotline) (s:NLNS 10/90) * Akwasasne Notes c/o Freedom School Freedom School Road : P.O. Box 196 Rooseveltown, NY 13683-0196 Tel: 518-358-9531 fax. 613-575-2063 Paper of the Mohawk nation of Akwasasne. (s:91) * Attica Justice Committee 605 Richmond Ave. Buffalo, NY 14222 (s:EM 11/91) * Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM-8335 Huntington SCI Drawer R Huntington, PA 16652 Former Black Panther on death row, political prisoner (s:7/92) * Ecologia Box 199 Harford, PA 18823 Tel: 717-434-2873 Fax: 717-434-2769 email: working with ecology movements in Eastern Europe (s:1/92) : Philadelphia * Ramona Africa Minister of Communications MOVE organization 1630 S.56th St. Philadelphia, PA 19142 The sole survivor of the police bombing of the MOVE house which killed 11 people. Out of prison after 7 years. (s:7/92) * American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) 1501 Cherry Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Tel: 215-241-7167 (s:AML 91) * Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO) 2208 South St. Philadelphia, PA 19146 Tel: 215 545-4626 (s:AML 91) * National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War 3604 N. 7th Ave. : Philadelphia, PA 19140 (s:ATS 6/92) # 20000-29999 # Washington D.C. * American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee 4201 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20008 Report incidents to: 1-800-347-HATE (s:91) * American Civil Liberties Union 122 Maryland Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 Tel: 202-544-1681 Mainstream opponents of censor and government repression (s:AML 91) * Christic Institute 1324 N. Capitol St. NW Washington, DC 20002-3337 Tel: 202-797-8106 Database: : BBS, Wash. D.C. 202-529-0140 Mnet, Chicago 312-436-3062 Newsbase, S.F. 415-824-8767 N.Y. on line 718-852-2662 email Christic@IGC.ORG progressive peace and justice organization (s:92) * Comadres USA 945 G St. NW Washington, DC 20001 Tel: 202-393-0126 Committee of Mothers of the Dissappeared in El Salvador. (s:AML 91) * Committee in Solidarity with the People in El Salvador (CISPES) PO Box 12056 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-265-0890 Solidarity with the FMLN and the popular movement (s:91) * Common Cause 2030 M Street, NW : Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202-833-1200 (s:AML 91) * Covert Action Information Bulletin PO Box 34583 Washington, DC 20043 Tel: 202-737-5317 (s:AML 9/92) * D.C. SCAR PO Box 18291 Washington, DC 20036 SCAR News subscriptions: 202-529-20036 Ray Davis: 202-483-4593 Student Coalition Against Racism (s:91) * Education For the People Tel: 202-234-0041 (s:91) * Freedom Now!/DC Campaign for Amnesty and Human Rights for Political Prisoners in the U.S. PO Box 28191 Washington, DC 20038 (s:7/92) : * Friends of the Earth 218 D. St., SE Washington, DC 20003 Tel: 202-544-2600 (s:Peg 1/91) * Greenpeace USA 1436 U St. NW Washington, DC 20009 Tel: 202-462-1777 (s:peg 1/91) * Grey Panthers 1424 16th St. NW, #602, DN Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202-387-3111 Seniors movement (s:AML 91) * Indochina Resource Action Center 1628 16 St, NW, 3rd floor Washington, DC 20009 Tel: 202-667-4690 Fax: 202-667-6449 "A national clearinghouse for Indochinese refugees, and a : technical assistance center for the empowerment of the Indochinese-American community." (s:TWR 6/92) * The International Campaign for Tibet 1511 K. St. NW, suite 739 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-628-4123 'Works to inform and educate the international community about conditions in Tibet.' (s:6/92) * Korea Info & Resource Center 1314 14th St., NW Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-387-2551 Fax: 202-387-2984 email: Korean all news service (s:PN 8/92) * League of indigenous Sovereign Nations c/o Piscataway Indian Nation Washington Peace Center 2111 Florida Ave, NW Washington, DC 20008 : Tel: 202-234-2000 Organizing a march at the UN on Oct.12. (s:PN 9/92) * National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) 1101 14th St., NW Washington, DC 2005 Tel: 202-408-4627 (s:91) * National Coalition for Universities in the Public Interest 1801 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20009 Tel: 202-234-0041 working against the military in universities (s:91) * National Gay and Lesbian Task Force 1517 U St., NW Washington, DC 20009 (s:91) * National Student Action Center PO Box 15599 Washington, DC 20003 (s:AML 91) * Network of People in Solidarity with Guatemala (NISGUA) : 1314 14th St. NW Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-483-0050 Fax: 202-234-1656 email: (s:PN 9/92) * New Afrikan Network PO Box 90604 Washington, DC 20090 involved in Mumia Abu-Jamal's case. (s:L&R 1/92) * NICANET 1247 E St., SE Washington, DC 20003 Tel: 202-544-9355 Nicaragua solidarity network (s:91) * off our backs 2423 18th st, NW, 2nd floor Washington, DC 20009 Tel: 202-234-8072 a women's newsjournal, monthly (s:oob 8/92) : * Sane/freeze 1819 H St. NW #1000 Washington, DC 20006 Tel: 202 862-9740 Mainstream peace and justice lobby,(s:Peg 1/91) * Washington Peace Center 2111 Florida Ave. NW Washington, DC 20009 Tel: 202-234-2009 Tel: 202-234-2000 (s:5/92) * Equal Justice USA/LDF PO Box 5206 Hyattsville, MD 20782 (s:NLNS 5/92) * Alternative Press Center, PO Box 33109 Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Tel: 301-243-2471 National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War (s:ATS 6/92)ublish Alternative Press Index and Directory of Alternative and Radical Publications, over 350 periodicals : listed ($3). (s:91) * Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) PO Box 1168 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1168 Tel: 919 967-4600 email: Large progressive student environmental coalition (s:Peg 1/91) * Art Decco PO Box 12504 Raleigh, NC 27605 supporters of Love and Rage (L&R 4/92) * Rural Southern Voice for Peace 1898 Hannah Branch Road Burnsville, NC 28714 Tel/fax: 704-675-9590 email: the Well rsvp (s:AML 5/92) # 30000-39999 # * Love and Rage Supporters in Atlanta : PO Box 5236 Decatur, GA 30307 (s:L&R 4/92) * Gainsville Iguana c/o CISPLA PO Box 14712 Gainsville, FL 32604 Radical paper serving the Gainsville and U. of Florida community (s:NLNS 9/92) * Amor y Rabia P.O. Box 45-2001 Miami, FL 33245 Supporters of Love & Rage (s:L&R 4/92) * Guangara Libertaria PO Box 1516 Riverside Station Miami, FL 33135-1516 Quarterly magazine in spanish and english published by Cuban anarchists in exile (s:AA 12/90) * Prisoner's Legal News : PO Box 1684 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Paper produced by and for prisoners. Anarchist Black Cross contact (s:1/92) * Anarchist Action Network Suite 147 3325 Lorna Rd#2 PO Box 360999 Birmingham, AL 35236 (s:L&R 4/92) * People's Justice Alliance PO Box 281 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Tel: 615-265-6713 Hosted the beyond domination conference in Feb.(s:L&R 1/92) * The Alternative UT Box 16156 UT Station Knoxville, TN 37996-4900 (s:L&R 9/91) * Lame Monkey Manifesto : PO Box 8763 Knoxville, TN 37996-4800 U. of Tennessee's radical paper (s:NLNS 90) * WSA East Tennessee Group c/o Box 8436 U.T. Station Knoxville, TN 37996-4900 Workers Solidarity Alliance. See WSA San Francisco (s:ALB 2/90) * New Afrikan People's Organization P.O. Box 31762 Jackson, MS 39286 Tel: 601-354-8731 A "Revolutionary Nationalist Organization" who want to unite 5 southern states into an all black homeland. Publish "By Any Means Necessary." (s:91) # 40000-49999 # * Cincinnati Autonomous Anarchist Collective PO Box 19589 : Cincinnati, OH 45219 (s:L&R 4/92) * Fifth Estate 4632 Second Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 Tel: 313-831-6800 anarchist paper and bookstore (s:AML 10/92) * Friends of radio Detroit PO Box 11410 Detroit, MI 48211 Pirate Radio taken off the air 4/92 (s:L&R 4/92) * Labor Notes 7435 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48210 (s:91) * Solidarity Center for Changes 7012 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48210 Tel: 313-841-0160 Socialist Organization, publish Against the Current. (s:91) : # 50000-59999 # * Left Green Clearinghouse P.O. Box 366 Iowa City, IA 52244 (s:91) * Retrofuturism PO Box 227 Iowa City, IA 52244 A journal of insurgant criticism (s:OM 3/92) * Edge Cooperative P.O. Box 845 Madison, WI 53701-0845 Tel: 608-255-4460 The Madison Edge, progressive biweekly community paper. (s:NLNS 9/92) * Midwest Treaty Network South/Central Office: 731 State St. Madison, WI 53703 Northeast Office: : Box 217 Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538 Working to protect Native American spearfishing rights (s:91) Minneapolis * Alliance for Cultural Democracy PO Box 7159 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Involved in anti-columbus activities (s:L&R 9/91) * American Indian Movement 1308 E. Franklin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 Tel: 612-872-7812 (s:L&R 9/91) * Anti-Racist Action P.O. Box 80634 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Militant anti-racist group (s:PE 10/91) * AWOL PO Box 7293 Minneapolis, MN 55407 : Love and Rage Supporters (s:L&R 4/92) * The Central America Resource Center 317 17th Ave, SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-2077 (s:TWR 3/92) * huracan PO Box 7591 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Quarterly newspaper devoted to the quincentennial (s:L&R 9/91) * Love & Rage supporters PO Box 581354 Minneapolis, MN 55458-1354 (s:L&R 4/92) * Mayday Books 301 Cedar Ave Minneapolis, MN 55454 Tel: 612-333-4719 Independent radical bookstore (s:5/92) * Profane Existence P.O. Box 8722 : Minneapolis, MN 55408 Tel: 612-377-5269 Anarchist Punk paper (s:PE 10/91) * Youth Green Clearing House PO Box 7293 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Tel: 612-823-3468 eco-anarchist network (s:L&R 1/91) * Indigenous Womens's Network Winona LaDuke White Earth Land Recovery Project PO Box 327 White Earth, MN 56591 (s:L&R 9/91) * Liberate the Obsessed PO Box 1916 Rapid City, SD 57709-1916 Love and Rage supporters (s:L&R 4/92) * Lakota Communications PO Box 150 : Porcupine, SD 57772 Radio in Lakota language (s:AML 4/92) * 1992 Alliance Suzan Shown Harjo American Indian Institute Box 1388 Bozeman, MT 59715 Tel: 406-587-1002 (s:L&R 9/91) * Earth First! POB 5176 Missoula, MT 59806 Tel: 406-728-8114 The paper of the direct action environmental group (s:L&R 9/91) # 60000-69999 # Chicago * Committee to End the Marion Prison Lockdown Box 578172 : Chicago, IL 60657-8172 Tel: 312-235-0070 (s:WCF 7/92) or 343 S. Dearborn, Suite 1607 Chicago, IL 60604 (s:L&R 4/92) * MLN 167 N. Claremont Chicago, IL 60647 Moviemento de Liberacion Nacional. Puerto Rican revolutionary independanistas. (s:ATS 6/92) * National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War National Office P.O. Box 476698 Chicago, IL 60647 Tel: 312-278-6706 (s:WCF 7/92) * Queer Nation Chicago P.O. Box 166 696 W. Barry Chicago, IL 60657 Militant lesbian gay bisexual group (s:CLASH 2/92) : * Revolutionary Group X P.O. Box 6022 Chicago, IL 60680 also address for Baklava (s:L&R 4/92) * US/Guatamala Labor education Project c/o ACTWU-Chicago joint board 333 S. Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL 60607 Tel: 312-769-5038 Fax: 312-769-1053 email: (s:TWR 2/92) * Wind Chill Factor P.O. Box 81961 Chicago, IL 60681 Anarchist magazine, also address for Baklava (s:WCF 7/92) * Libertarian Labor Review Box 2824 Champaign, IL 61825 Anarcho-syndicalist group (s:L&R 4/92) : * Black Liberation Radio 33 N. 12th Street Springfield, IL 62702 24h. pirate radio (s:KIO3/92) * The Greens/Green Party USA BOX 30208 Kansas City, MO 64112 Tel: 816-931-9366 email: (s:NLNS 5/92) * WINGS PO Box 5307 Kansas City, MO 64131 Tel: 1-800-798-9703 or 816-361-7161 email: Women's International News Gathering Service, produce a monthy audio newsletter. (s:Z 7/92) * Anarchy c/o CAL : POB 1446 Columbia, MO 65205-1446 Anarchist journal (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Loenard Peltier Defense Committee PO Box 583 Lawrence, KS 66044 Tel: 913-842-5774 Native American political prisoner (s:Clash 6/92) * Project 1313 PO Box 1313 Lawrence, KS 66044 Anarchist Black Cross contact (s:L&R 2/92) * Take This! c/o Disorientation 410 Kansas Union Lawrence, KS 66045 radical student paper at Kansas U. (s:NLNS 91) * Frankfurt Index PO Box 181 : Frankfurt, KS 66427 mom 'n pop Kansas paper brought out by radicals (s:NLNS 91) # 70000-79999 # * Circle A Collective 1126 Marais New Orleans, LA 70116 supporters of Love & Rage (s:L&R 4/92) * The Texas Archives of Autonomist Marxism c/o Harry Cleaver Dept. of Economics University of Texas Austin, TX 78712-1173 Fax: 512-471-3510 (s:1/92) 80000-89999 * 500 Years of Resistance Coalition PO Box 8901 Denver, CO 80201 (s:L&R 9/91) * Saxifrage Group : P.O. Box 18717 Denver, CO 80218 anti-racist activism in Denver (s:L&R 8/91) * The Committee to Abolish Control Unit Prisons Rock Mountain Peace Center 1520 Euclid Boulder, CO 80402 Tel: 303-444-6981 (s:AML 6/92) * The Match Fred Woodworth Post Office Box 3488 Tucson, AZ 85722 An anarchist journal 3x year (s:91) * Nuclear Resister POB 43383 Tuscon, AZ 85733 Covers those in prison for opposing nuclear weapons and nuclear power (s:KIO 3/92) * Support for Future Generations : P.O. Box 22134 Flagstaff, AZ 86002 Contact for Dine resisters at Big Mountain (s:Clash 6/92) * The Veterans Peace Action Team P.O. Box 743 Winslow, AZ 86047 Tel: 602-289-4460 (s:Clash 6/92) * Latin American Data Base latin American Institute University of New Mexico 801 Yale, NE Albequerque, NM 87131-1016 Tel: 505-277-6839 Fax: 505-277-5989 email: up-LADP@unmvm (?) LABD puts out 4 electronic newsletter on Latin American themes. (s:TWR 92) * Resource Center Box 4506 Albequerque, NM 87196 : Tel: 505-842-8288 Fax: 505-246-1601 email: (s:PN 4/92) * Forest Guardians Santa Fe, NM Tel: 505-988-9126 email to: Working against old growth logging in the Navajo Nation (s:AML 7/92) * Indigenous People's Alliance c/o Tonantzin Land Institute P.O. Box 40182 Albuquerque, NM 87196-0182 Tel: 505-766-9930 Fax: 505-766-9931 U.S. section of the Continental Coordinating Commission of Indigenous Nations and Organizations. See also address in Panama. (s:AML 10/92) * Southwest Network for Environmental & Economic Justice 211 10th Street, SW : Albuquerque, NM 87102 Tel: 505-247-8832 Fax: 505-247-9972 (s:Z 11/91) * American Peace Test PO Box 26725 Las Vegas, NV 89126 email: Against nuclear testing (s:AML 10/92) * Healing Global Wounds PO Box 4082 Las Vegas, NV 89127 Tel: 702-386-8696 Fax: 702-386-9335 International event in Oct. 92, Nevada test site, 500 years, Western Shoshone Nation (s:AML 9/92) * Western Shoshone Defense Project General Delivery Crescent Valley, NV 89821 Tel: 702-468-0230 Support of native resistance (s:PN 5/91) : # 90000-99999 # * AMOK POB 861867 Los Angeles, CA 90086 Interesting mail order catalogue (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Federation of Feminist Women's Health Centers 6221 Wilshire Blvd., suite 419a Los Angeles, CA 90048 Tel: 213-930-2512 (s:L&R 2/92) * Free Association 308 Westwood Plaza #324 Los Angeles, CA 90024-1647 Tel: 310-398-4153 email: Alternative independent student based paper. (s:AML 5/92) * Guatemalan Cultural committee P.O. Box 2151 Los Angeles, CA 90051 : Tel: 213-386-5633 Fax: 213-386-9262 (s:PN 5/92) * Empowerment Project 1653 18th str. Suite#3 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Tel: 310-828-8807 Produced the films "Coverup" and the "Panama Deception" (s:PN 8/92) * United Anarchist Front PO Box 1115 Whittier, CA 90609 (s:L&R 4/92) * People Against Racist Terror PO Box 1990 Burbank, CA 91507 Antifascist group (s:AML 9/92) * New Indicator 0323 Student Co-op center UCSD 9500 Oilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0323 : Tel: 619-534-2016 email: 25 year old radical student paper of UCSD. (s:L&R 3/92) * News International 6161 El Cajon Blvd. #4 San Diego, CA 92115 Tel: 619-696-9531 (s:NLNS 5/92) * Speak Out PO Box 80847 San Diego, CA 92138 Tel: 619-223-3219 email: Radical speakers bureau (s:Z 10/91) San Francisco * ACT UP San Francisco POBox 14844 San Francisco, CA 94114 Tel: 415-563-0724 Fax: 415-431-1456 (s:BayDir 3/92) : * Acts of Resistance 537 Jones #1584 San Francisco, CA 94102 Video production group and contact for the Anarchist media Network (s:1/92) * AK Distribution P.O. Box 40682 San Francisco, CA 94140-0682 Anarchist distribution (s:4/92) * All People's Congress 2489 Mission Street #28 (at 21st) San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-821-6545 A national multi-issue organization dedicated to fighting war, social program cutbacks, racism, sexism, and homophobia; supports pro-worker and pro-poor struggles. (s:BayDir 3/92) * American Indian Movement (AIM) 2940 16th Street #104 San Francisco, CA 94103 : Tel: 415-626-1875 (s:BayDir 4/92) * Artists' Telivision Access 992 Valencia St. (near 21st) San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-824-3890 Video media facility for the community (s:BayDir 3/92) * Bay Area Center for Art and Technology 1095 Market St. #209 San Francisco, CA 94103 Tel: 415-695-0931 Fax: 415-626-2685? Produce Processed World, a libertarian white collar magazine. (s:Z 5/92) * Blacklist Mailorder 475 Valencia St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Mailorder catalogue, anarchist punk recordings and periodicals (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Bound Together Books : 1369 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117 Tel: 415-431-8355 anarchist bookstore (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Brasil Action Solidarity Exchange (BASE) 2141 Mission Street #202 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 510-531-4754 (Misha) or 415-824-8366 (Ann) Does solidarity work with the popular movements of Brazil; actions include fundraising for Brazilian popular movements,educational campaigns, and direct action; a fiscally-sponsored project of Global Exchange. (s:BayDir 4/92) * CISPES 3382 26th Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-648-8222 Fax: 415-648-6529 Committee In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. Working to end U.S. intervention in El Salvador; supports the FMLN and the popular movement. (s:BayDir 3/92) : * City Lights 261 Columbus San Francisco, CA 94133 Left bookstore (s:Anarchy 9/91) * Earth First!, Bay Area POBox 411233 San Francisco, CA 94141 Tel: 415-949-0575 (event hotline) Fax: 510-631-7958 Direct Action environmental group. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Earth Island Institute 300 Broadway, suite 28 San Francisco, CA 94133-3312 Tel: 415-788-3666 Fax: 415-788-7324 email: MCI mail: 2829302 AT-Work, Appropriate Technology working group email: (s:AML 9/92) : * Emergency Committee to Stop the U.S. War in the Middle East 2489 Mission Street #28 (at 21st) San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-821-6545 Formed to oppose the U.S. invasion of Iraq; opposing the continued war against Iraq in the form of economic sanctions and supply of military funding and equipment to the Middle East; supports U.S. military withdrawal to allow self-determination by the Arab people. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Food First 145 9th St. San Francisco, CA 94103-2628 (s:AML 4/92) * Food Not Bombs, San Francisco 3145 Geary Blvd. #12 San Francisco, CA 94118 Tel: 415-330-5030 A consensus-run group feeding hungry people every day, providing health and social justice information with hot vegetarian meals, also caters demos. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Incendiary Publications : P.O. Box 210095 San Francisco, CA 94121-0095 (s:ALB 2/90) Publish, among others Anarchist Labor Bulletin, monthly newsbulletin of the Anarchist Labor Network formed at the '89 Anarchist Conference in San Francisco. Also address for Office Workers United. (s:ALB 2/90) * Industrial Workers of the World 1095 Market St., suite 204 (at 7th) San Francisco, CA 94103 Tel: 415-863-9627 Fax: 415-626-2685 email: Syndicalist union (s:10/92) * International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet 347 Dolores Street #206 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-252-5967 Fax: 415-626-0865 Provides legal expertise and resources for Tibetans, Tibet support groups and non-governmental organizations in order to address human rights abuses and effect positive change in : Tibet. (s:BayDir 3/92) * International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission 540 Castro Street San Francisco, CA 94114 Tel: 415-255-8680 Fax: 415-255-8662 email: (s:AML 4/92) * Irish Republican Socialist Committee (IRSC) 2057-B 15th Street San Francisco, CA 94114 Tel: 415-861-5711 (s:BayDir 3/92) * John Brown anti-Klan Committee 220 9th St., Suite 443 San Francisco, CA 94103 Tel: 415-330-5363 Publish the anti-Klan paper No KKK (s:BayDir 4/92) * LesCon 584 Castro Street San Francisco, CA 94114 : Lesbian contradiction, a journal of irreverent feminism (s:Z 7/92) * Leonard Peltier Defense Committee 2940 16th Street #104 San Francisco, CA 94103 Tel: 415-626-1875 Working for the release of political prisoner and AIM leader Leonard Peltier; this is the western regional office of the committee. (s:BayDir 4/92) * Modern Times Bookstore 888 Valencia St. (near 20th) San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-282-9246 (s:BayDir 3/92) * National Committee to Free Puerto Rican Prisoners of War 3543 18th st. Box 12 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-561-9055 (s:BayDir 3/92) * Norma Jean Croy Defense Committee (NJCDC) 473 Jackson Street, 3rd Floor : San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415-986-5591 Norma Jean Croy is a Native American woman who remains in prison even though her brother, Patrick Hooty Croy, was acquitted in 1990 after a re-trial found him not guilty, due to self-defense, of the shooting to which Norma Jean was an alledged accomplice. (s:BayDir 4/92) * Out of Control Box 30 3543 18th St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Lesbian committee to support women political prisoners (s:L&R 8/91) * Outrage! San Francisco 3543 18th Street #34 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-985-7141 Direct action for lesbian / gay rights. (s:BayDir 2/92) * Pacific News Service 450 Mission Street, #506 : San Francisco, CA 94105 Tel: 415-243-4364 Fax: 415-243-0815 (s:BayDir 3/92) * Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) POBox 27462 San Francisco, CA 94127 Tel: 415-861-1552 Fax: 415-861-7966 A national grassroots organization working for Palestinian rights and to change government policy toward the Middle East; currently involved in the 'Don't Pay for Occupation' Campaign to stop U.S. aid for Israeli occupation; publishes 'Palestine Focus', 6 issues for $10. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Paper Tiger TV West / Deep Dish Satelite Network POBox 1271 San Francisco, CA 94141-1271 Tel: 415-695-0931 Producers of local news & media criticism programs. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Peace Brigades International : 333 Valencia Street #330 San Francisco, CA 94103 Tel: 415-864-7242 Fax: 415-431-5953 email: Sends international volunteers to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Sri Lanka; also working on conflict resolution between Native Americans and whites along the U.S.A / Canadian border. (s:BayDir 4/92) * Peace Net 18 de Boom Street San Francisco, CA 94107 Tel: 415-442-0220 fax: 415-546-1794 telex: 154205417 Internet: Telnet: Progressive computer network (s:PN 4/92) * Political Ecology Group (PEG) 519 Castro St. Box 111 : San Francisco, CA 94114-2577 Tel: 415 861-5054 All volunteer organization which grew out of EPOCA and the Attention Shoppers affinity group. Part of the Tides foundation? (s:Peg 1/91) * Political Prisoner Hotline Tel: 415-985-7488 Sponsored by the Freedom Now Network. (s:BayDir 4/92) * Prairie Fire Organizing Committee POBox 14422 San Francisco, CA 94114 Tel: 415-330-5310 Anti-imperialist activists who publish the political journal 'Breakthrough', hold study groups and forums, and participate in women's, lesbian / gay, anti-intervention, anti-racist, political prisoner, and environmental movements. (s:BayDir 2/92) * Pressure Drop Press POB 460754 San Francisco, CA 94146 : published terrorizing the neighborhood etc. (s:PE 10/91) * The Prison Radio Project 2420 24th Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-648-4505 Produces radio programs on prison issues, including U.S. political prisoners. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Punchline PO Box 460683 San Francisco, CA 94146 Fanzine (s:PE 10/90) * Queer Nation San Francisco 3543 18th Street #34 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-985-7141 (phone menu) An informal, multicultural, direct-action group committed to the recognition, preservation, expansion, and celebration of queer culture in all its diversity. (s:BayDir 2/92) * Queer Planet : 1046 Florida St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-648-5155 email: Dedicated to promoting Queerness in the world (s:AML 9/92) * Radical Women Valencia Hall 523-A Valencia (near 16th Street) San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-864-1278 A multi-racial socialist feminist organization dedicated to achieving full equality for women, people of color, lesbians, gays, and working people. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Rainforest Action Network 450 Sansome st. #700 San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel: 415-398-4404 Fax: 415-398-2732 email: (s:BayDir 3/92) * Roots Against War : 1347 Divisadero #350 San Francisco, CA 94115 Tel: 415-749-7645 [5/92] An alliance of African American, Arab, Asian, Latina/Latino, Native American, and indigenous people in the Bay Area, mobilizing our people against US intervention in our homelands and the violence and aggression we live under here. (s:BayDir 5/92) * Speak Out! 2215-R Market St.#520 San Francisco, CA 94114 Tel: 415-864-4561 Radical speakers bureau (s:BayDir 3/92) * Veterans Peace Action Teams P.O. Box 170670 San Francisco, CA 94117 Tel: 415-753-2130 (s:91) * The Web P.O. Box 40890 San Francisco, CA 94110 : Tel: 415-431-8615 Anarchist newsletter for San Francisco Bay Area. Bi-monthly (s:AML 9/92) * Women Against Imperialism 3543 18th St. #14 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: 415-995-4735 A feminist activist group connecting issues of violence against women, reproductive freedom, lesbian liberation, political prisoners, anti-racism, anti-intervention, and...; opposing the Columbus Day celebration. (s:oob 6/92) * Workers Solidarity Alliance National Secretary c/o WSA PO Box 40400 San Francisco, CA 94140-40400 email: International secretary-New York, NY Latin Am. Solidarity Working Group-San Antonio, TX WSA East Tennessee Group-Knoxville, TN (s:L&R 4/92) : * Anarchist Black Cross PO Box 215 San Lorenzo, CA 94580 (s:L&R 2/92) * Bay Area Campus Activist Alliance (BACAA) 130 Bryant Palo Alto, CA 94301 Tel: 415-328-2387 A coalition of several Bay Area campus groups; publishes a newsletter; focussing on cutbacks in public education and the 1992 Anti-Columbus Day '500 years of resistance' project meets around the Bay Area. (s:BayDir 3/92) Oakland * Bay Area Anti-Apartheid Network POBox 98 Oakland, CA 94604 Tel: 415-332-3819 (evening) or 415-255-7296 (day) A network of 30 anti-apartheid groups in the Bay Area. (s:BayDir 4/92) : * BACORR 5337 College Ave.#213 Oakland, CA 94618 Tel: 415-541-5690 or 408-739-6505 reproductive rights (s:BayDir 2/92) * Bay Area Green Party PO Box 20999 Oakland, 94620 Tel: 415-649-9773 (s:10/91) * Bay Area Anti-Racist Action PO Box 3501 Oakland, CA 94609 (s:L&R 2/92) * Food Not Bombs, East Bay 1601 18th Street Oakland, CA 94607 Tel: 510-644-4187 Serves free hot vegetarian meals in People's Park monday thru friday at about 1:30 pm. (s:BayDir 4/92) : * International Campaign to Free geronimo ji Jaga (Pratt) POBox 3585 Oakland, CA 94609-0585 Tel: 510-268-0979 or 510-655-2587 or 510-486-8224 The defense committee for geronimo ji Jaga (Pratt), 20-year political prisoner and former Black Panther Party leader, in solidarity with over 100 other political prisoners. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Intertribal Friendship House 523 East 14th Street Oakland, CA 94606 Tel: 510-452-1235 Fax: 510-452-1243 A community resource center and archive; provides photographs, tapes, documents, newsclippings and other information that focusses on contemporary history of the American Indian community in the Bay Area. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Pledge of Resistance 4228 Telegraph Ave.suite #100 (at 43rd) : Oakland, CA 94609 Tel: 510-655-1181(National Resource Center) or 510-655-1177(Bay Area) Fax: 510-655-1185 Anti-interventionist civil disobedience (s:BayDir 4/92) * South and Meso American Indian Information Center P.O. Box 28703 Oakland, CA 94604 Tel: 510-834-4263 Fax: 510-834-4264 email: street address 1212 Broadway, rm 830 Promotes peace and social justice for indigenous people by providing information about struggles in South and Meso-America and by facilitating exchanges and direct contacts between indigenous people. (s:BayDir 4/92) * Third World Resources 464 19th St. Oakland, CA 94612-2217 Tel: 510-835-4692 Fax: 510-835-3017 : email: A quarterly review of resources from and about the Third World. An affiliate of the Data Center. (s:TWR 7/92) * Uhuru House 7911 MacArthur Blvd Oakland, CA 94605 Tel: 510-569-9620 Headquarters of the National People's Democratic Uhuru Movement; a mass-based organization struggling for democracy and self-determination in the black community; publishes the Burning Spear newspaper and books & pamphlets. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Uhuru Solidarity Center 4905 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 Tel: 510-655-6969 A white communitry organization that builds the movement for reparations in support of the black community's struggle for self-determination and democratic rights; see also Cafe Uhuru at the same address. (s:BayDir 3/92) * The Video Project : 5332 College Ave., suite 501 Oakland, CA 94618 Tel: 510-655-9050 Fax: 510-655-9115 National non-profit distributor of videos on critical global issues (s:Z 4/92) Berkley * The ANTI-WARior 48 Shattuck sq. Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510-273-2427 Fax: 415-861-4854 A newsletter of military dissension and resistance (s:BayDir 4/92) * Arab World and Islamic Resources and School Services (AWAIR) 2095 Rose Street #4 Berkeley, CA 94709 Tel: 510-704-0517 Providing quality materials and services for educators teaching about the Arab world and about Islam at the : pre-college level. (s:BayDir 4/92) * The Black Panther Newsletter Committee PO Box 519 Berkley, CA 94701-0519 Tel: 510-534-5878 or 510-534-4726 (s:BayDir 2/92) * BREAK THE SILENCE MURAL PROJECT 1442 A Walnut street 252 Berkeley, CA 94709 Tel: 510-540-0161 Group of Jewish women artists who have painted murals in collaboration with Palestinians in the West Bank and the U.S. on the theme of Palestinian independence (s:BayDir 4/92) * Earth Action Network 1711-D MLKing Way Berkeley, CA 94709 Tel: 510-843-4306 Tel: 510-843-8788 (recorded events list) Fax: 510-649-1895 BBS: 510-843-1256 : Organizes environmental direct actions along the lines of Earth First! with an urban focus; provides extensive information, networking and support services to other groups for putting together publicity, benefits and demonstrations; fax service for press releases. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Ecology Center 2530 San Pablo Avenue (near Dwight Way) Berkeley, CA 94702 Tel: 510-548-2220 or 510-644-3822 (recycling hotline) email: A bookstore, ecological living / gardening supply store,library open tuesday thru saturday 11 to 5; monthly newsletter (with an events calendar) available with $25 membership or on the street;curbside recycling program and two farmers markets; call for the 'Eastbay Recycling Guide'. (s:BayDir 4/92) * Patriotic Young Koreans 2335 Dwight Way #101 Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510-548-1504 : Fax: 510-540-6520 Affiliated with the state-wide Korean Coalition for Reunification of Korea; promoting peace and cooperation, and awareness of Korean issues in the American public. (s:BayDir 3/92) * People's Park Defense Union (PPDU) 1901 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Tel: 510-843-8788 (recorded hotline) or 510-843-4306 or 510-425-0150 24-hour bulldozer alarm (beeper). (s:BayDir 3/92) * Real Dragon Prison Project POBox 3294 S. Berkeley Stn. Berkeley, CA 94703-9991 Tel: 415-861-6515 (3175 Adeline) Provides socially and politically relevant reading materials to U.S. political prisoners and POW's; provides public education materials about (1) new trends in maximum security : imprisonment / control units, (2) U.S. political prisoners and POW's, and (3) the crisis in U.S. prisons in the context of racism and classism in society . (s:BayDir 4/92) * Slingshot 700 Eschelman Hall University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Radical student paper (s:Sling 3/92) * Women of Color Resource Center 2288 Fulton St, suite 103 Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510-848-9272 Publishes "National Directory of Women of Color Organizations and Projects" (s:oob 7/92) * The Nuklear Democracy Project P.O. Box 1047 Bolinas, CA 94924 Tel: 415-868-1900 Fax: 415-868-1901 Working for public control over the nuclear industry (s:91) : * Women to Women Communications PO Box 161775 Cupertino, CA 95016 Publish an international listing of over 400 women's magazines (s:KIO 3/92) * Young Koreans United of SF Bay Area POBox 612676 San Jose, CA 95161-2676 Tel: 408-437-9454 Working toward the liberation, reunification, and democratization of Korea; call ahead to send a fax. (s:BayDir 3/92) * Mendocino Environmental Center 106 W.Standley St. Okiah, CA 95487 Tel: 707-468-1660 Working on the Bari/Cheney case. (s:PN 9/92) OR : * Campaign for a Hate Free Oregon PO Box 3343 Portland, OR 97208-3343 Tel: 503-233-4501 Working to prevent anti-gay/lesbian laws in Oregon (s:NLNS 9/92) * A.Y.F. P.O. Box 162 Eugene, OR 97440 Anarchist Youth Federation (s:1/92) * Student Insurgent University of Oregon EMU suite 1 Eugene, OR 97403 radical student paper at U.Oregon (s:91) * P/CA P.O. Box 276 Kent, WA 98035 Prison/community alliance working to abolish the State Parole Board, also involved in Prisoner's Legal News (s:1/92) : Seattle * Collective media PO Box 20213 Seattle, WA 98102 Tel: 206-521-0327 Fax: 206-325-7794 Put out poster series of war resisters email: (s:AML 7/92) * Farm Worker Support Task Force 4759 15th Ave., NE Seattle, WA 98105 (s:AML 4/92) * Friends of Liberty Box 95686 Seattle, WA 98145-2686 Anarchist Black Cross contact (s:L&R 4/92) * Left Bank Books 92 Pike St. Seattle, WA 98101 : Tel: 206-622-0195 In the Pike Place Market (s:PE 10/91) * Left Bank Distribution 4142 Brooklyn Ave, NE Seattle, WA 98105 Tel: 206-632-5870 (s:PE10/91) * Peaceworks Park PO Box 95685 Seattle, WA 98145-2685 Tel: 206-547-5435 (s:91) * People's Video PO Box 99514 Seattle, WA 98199 Tel: 206-789-5371 (s:91) * Seattle Leonard Peltier Support Group P.O. Box 2104 Seattle, WA 98101 Put out "In Total Resistence" (s:L&R 11/91) : * Support for Native Sovereignty Po Box 2104 Seattle, WA 98101 Tel: 206-547-3983 "Working to support Native American sovereignty and land rights" (s:L&R 9/91) * Vietnam Vets against the war-Anti-Imperialist PO Box 95172 Seattle, WA 98145-2172 Tel: 206-328-4377 (s:AML5/92) * Bayou La Rose PO Box 5464 Tacoma, WA 98405-0464 anarchist paper (s:KIO 3/92) * American Peace Test Tel: 702-363-7780 (s:AML4/92) # Yugoslavia # : # Bosnia-Herzegovina # * Center for Anti-War Activities Hasana Kikica 8 71000 Sarajevo Fax: +38-71-664-540 (s:AML 6/92) * Sarajevo Centre for Peace Dobrovoljascka 3 71000 Sarajevo tel: +38-71-214-884 Fax: +38-71-216-238 (s:AML 3/92) # Croatia # * Anti-War Campaign Council of Croatia Gajeva 4/II 41000 Zagreb Tel: +38-41-431-658 Fax: +38-41-425-552 (s:AML 3/92) * Autonomija : c/o Vesna Terselic ADSH Gajeva 45 41000 Zagreb (s:Kal 9/91) * Svarun Trg zrtava fasizma 13 41000 Zagreb Tel: +38-41-410-724 Working Group for Environmental, Peace, Feminist and Spiritual Initiatives. (s:EAC 89) # Macedonia # * Green Action Skopje c/o Jovan Nansijevski Tel: +38-91-213-966 Fax: +38-91-201-75 (s:AML 3/92) # Montenegro # * Citizens Committee for Peace Hercegovascka 15 : 81000 Titograd tel/fax +38-81-41914 (s:AML 3/92) # Serbia # * Centre for Anti-War Action Prote Mateje 6 11000 Belgrade Tel: +38-11-431-298 Fax: +38-11-681-989 (s:AML 3/92) * GAMA Prof Milandin Zivotic Dom Omladine Makedonska 22 11000 Belgrade (Citizens Action for Peace)(s:AML 3/92) * Women in Black c/o Stasa Zajovi Dragoslava Popovia 9/10 11 Belgrade (s:AML 3/92) : # Slovenia # * Centre for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence Mestni Trg 13, 61000 Ljubljana tel/fax: +38-61-224-666 BBS: days: +38-61-218-663 +38-61-154-156 +38-61-154-185 +38-61-154-270 night:+38-61-211-553 (s:3/92) # Vojvodina # * Anti-War Centre of Ada Vera Vebel Sencanski Put 27 24430 Ada (s:AML 3/92) * Anti-War Centre of Novi Sad c/o Nenad Mirovi Narodnog Fronta 43 : 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +38-21-363-302 fax: +38-21-57-797 (s:AML 3/92) * Peace Movement of Pancevo c/o Sasa Marinkovic Br Jovanovica 62a 26000 Pancevo, Vojvodina tel: +38-13-3882 fax: +38-13-41735 (s:AML 3/92) * Peace Movement Vojvodina c/o Slavenka Ljubic Maksima Gornog 10/III, 2100 Novi Said Tel: +38-21-619-019 (s:AML 3/92) * Women in Black Biljana Regodi Vojvodanska 53 26000 Pancevo (s:AML 3/92) : A note about the Telephone numbers The + in front of the number stands for the number you have to dial from your country to call internationally (011 in the U.S., 00 in Germany). To call long distance within a country you must leave out the country code. In most of Europe you then add a 0 to the front of the number, in Spain a 9 and in the U.S. and Canada, a 1. Another Note Most of the countries are ordered by zip code or alphabeticly by city name. And yet another: The source code at the end of each address shows when and where each address was found. Addresses with older dates are more likely to be wrong. Source Codes: 56a-Infoshop, London A-Private AA-The Anarchist Age, Anarchist Media Institute, Melbourne Australia AI-Angehoerigen Info, GNN Verlag 2000 Hamburg Germany AIC-Alternative Information Center, Jerausalem A-K-A-Kontra, Prague : ALB-Anarchist Lobor Bulletin, Incindiary Publ, San Francisco, CA 94121 USA Amazora-Autonomist lesbianwomen magazine, c/o PapiertigerInnen, Berlin AML-Activ-L@UMCVMB, computer mailing list AN-Autonomi Newsletter, Zapata, Kobenhavn Anarchy-Columbia, MO 65205 USA APS-Activist Press Service, Amsterdam ATS-Arm The Spirit, Hamilton Ontario, Canada B-Private BayDir-A Bay Area Progressive Directory, very good: Ken Cheetham, POB 11232, Berkeley, CA 94701-2232 Tel: 510-848-9862 x.3 Fax: 510-848-9862 x.4 email: C-Private CI-Counter Information, Edinburgh, Great Britain Clash-Amsterdam D-private DL-Direcciones Libertarias, Ateneo Libertario, Barcelona Spain E-Private EAC-Europa Against the Current, Amsterdam ECN-European Counter Network, Radio Sherwood Padova Italy, APS : Amsterdam, SpinnenNetz 6500 Mainz Germany, Omega Berlin. EM-Ecomedia Toronto Canada Emma-German women's magazine FA-Anarchist Federation, Katowice Poland GS-Gegen den Strom Kallender ID-Archiv, Amsterdam Kal-Anarchistischer Taschenkalender, Schwarzrotbuch Verlag, Berlin Kas-Kasiber, 2800 Bremen Germany KIO-Kick It Over, Toronto, Canada L&R-Love and Rage, New York MAP-UUCP computer news group NENW-Neither East Nor West, New York 11215 USA NLNS-Cambridge, MA 02142 USA NN-Amsterdam oob-off our backs, Washington, DC 20009 USA OM-Open Media, Westfield, NJ, 07091 USA PE-Profane Existance, Minneapolis, MN 55408 USA Peace News-WRI, London PEG-Political Ecology Group, San Francisco PN-PeaceNet, San Francisco QN-QueerNation computer mailing list RGI-RuhrgebietsInfo, Infoladen Bazille 4200 Oberhausen or : Infoladen 4600 Dortmund, Germany SAIIC-South and Meso American Indian Information Center, Oakland, CA 94604 USA Search-Searchlight, London Shadow-New York City Sling-Slingshot, Berkeley, 94720 USA SMOT-Russia SN-SpinnenNetz, 6500 Mainz Germany SW-Suedwind, c/o Biladen or Infoladen, 7000 Stuttgart, or Infobuero 7400 Tuebingen Germany. Swing-Infoladen 6450 Hanau, Zentrum 6000 Frankfurt, Infoladen 6100 Darmstadt, Infoladen 6050 Offenbach, Germany Tag-fuer Tag, German autonomist women-lesbian callender Tat-Tatblatt, Wien, Austria Tel-Telegraph, Berlin TWR-Third World Resources, San Francisco WCF-Wind Chill Factor, Chicago 69681 USA ZAG-Antirasistischer Initiative Berlin Z-Magazine, Boston 02118 USA (END) (END) (END)